Vice Principal
Yuuki Hase es un chico de segundo año del bachillerato el cual busca convertirse en amigo de Kaori Fujimiya, una de sus compañeras de clase. Al pedirle su amistad, Kaori lo rechaza muy gentilmente, pues ella no puede mantener los recuerdos felices ni los que tengan que ver con personas que le agraden. Pese a esto, Yuuki sigue insistiendo en obtener la amistad de esta chica, aunque tenga que volver a empezar cada lunes, pues en ella ve algo especial. Aunque sus recuerdos no volvían en sí a Kaori, Yuuki seguira insistiendo.
Akira, Takeshi, Yasu, and Shun are a gang of four close friends, all of whom were core members of their high-school ekiden team. Although they were stars back in those days, having slacked up their efforts subsequently, their daily life is lackluster now that the age of forty is just around the corner. They talk at a favorite local tavern just like they used to after Akira comes home giving up his dream to become an actor. Thinking back, they have never accomplished anything but ekiden, and they have unknowingly acquired a tendency to run away from problems in life in general. The phrase they cannot help muttering to themselves is how brilliant they were in those days… Feeling dispirited, they think of participating in the Shimanto Dragon Ride. A challenge for the four men in their late thirties begins…
La obsesión de un joven con el arte lo deja sin un centavo hasta que su esposa alejada lo ayuda.