Werner Von Braun

Werner Von Braun

Nacimiento : 1912-03-23, Wyrzysk, Poland

Muerte : 1977-06-16


Werner Von Braun was a rocket pioneer and became the world's leading rocket scientist. Starting his career as a Nazi SS officer in the 1930s, and leading the team that developed what became the V-2 rocket, over 3,000 of which were eventually launched at England and Belgium during the later years of WWII. Following the war, Von Braun and 1600 other Nazi scientists were relocated to the United States via Operation Paperclip. Von Braun went to work for the US Army building early ballistic missiles, but was eventually absorbed into NACA, which became NASA, and became the first Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, whose primary task was development of the Saturn V heavy-lift rocket system which was used in the NASA manned moon landings in the late 60s-early 70s.


Werner Von Braun


Saturno V
A principio del 2006 la NASA puso en marcha la misión New Horizons, lanzando una sonda espacial con un ambicioso objetivo: alcanzar Plutón. Los grandes logros de la NASA en el pasado siglo están sostenidos en gran parte por el sueño de unos cuantos hombres y mujeres que creyeron que la máquina más potente jamás construida podía volar y ayudar a dos docenas de astronautas a llegar a la Luna. El cohete Saturno V, uno de los mayores logros tecnológicos de la humanidad, tuvo que enfrentarse a desafíos colosales antes de volar. Con espectaculares efectos visuales, imágenes de la NASA y entrevistas a expertos científicos, este inspirador documento cuenta con todo detalle la historia del ingenio que permitió a la NASA cumplir con la promesa de Kennedy de acceder a nuestro satélite.
Footprints On The Moon
1969 documentary film covering the flight of Apollo 11 from vehicle rollout to splashdown and recovery.