José Llamas


Casa de vecindad
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Personal dramas among the residents of an apartment house.
Adventures of Casanova
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Casanova, a young patriot in 18th-century Sicily, upon learning that his father and sister have been murdered, returns to Palermo and engages in guerilla tactics against the forces of the Governor. Lady Bianca, the Governor's daughter, is in love with one of the patriots, Lorenzo, and desires to escape from the palace. Her lady-in-waiting, Zanetta, enlists the aid of Casanova and he rescues them and takes them to the partisan's camp. The rebels are victorious. Lady Bianca makes plans to marry Lorenzo, and Casanova and Zanetta have similar plans.
Cinco rostros de mujer
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"The great love of his life" happened five times; one of those women just wrote him a letter. Which one will it be?
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El eminente médico Alejandro Mangino, es autor del libro Crepúsculo, que trata sobre enfermedades mentales. Se niega a seguir ejerciendo su profesión porque una psicosis ha causado que tuviera su primer fracaso en una operación, lo que causó la muerte de su amigo, Ricardo Molina. Frete a su tumba, Alejandro recuerda como sucedió todo. Flashback: Al acudir a una cita con Ricardo en la Academia de San Carlos, reconoce en una modelo desnuda en el taller de escultura a su antigua amante Lucía.