Mark Klassen


Lo que te mantiene viva
Camera Operator
Nos presenta a una joven pareja de chicas, Jules y Jackie, cuya idílica escapada en el bosque para celebrar su primer aniversario de boda se convertirá en una frenética batalla psicológica y viciosa que pondrá a prueba los límites de su instinto para sobrevivir.
Additional Camera
He had always considered making guitars a passion, not an occupation, but in 2007, Randall Wyn Fullmer, an ordinary guy with a cat, turned his lifelong hobby into a full-out obsession. To launch on this adventure, he did what anyone else would do - he quit his high paying job at Disney, leaving behind a successful 20 year career. It seemed to make so much sense at the time! With Disney in the rear-view, Randall launched his self-proclaimed 'Mad Plan' and began crafting small-batch bass guitars full time. From a beginner's electrifying success to near break-down, this is a beautiful, honest and inspirational portrait of a passionate craftsperson who walked headlong into a foolhardy dream. This is a true tale of a life unwound and restrung.