(archival footage)
An absorbing portrait of one of the most colorful and revered figures in world cinema, 'Paradjanov: A Requiem' offers an affectionate and insightful look at the tumultuous career of the late Sergei Paradjanov; artist, dissident, romantic and iconoclast.
The Confession (1990) survives in Parajanov: The Last Spring (1992) in its original camera negative. It remained unfinished due to the death of Sergei Parajanov. The Confession (1990) was his favorite screenplay, which was written in the 1960s and was his film-memory of the childhood, student years, marriage, imprisonment and more as the fantasist Parajanov perceived it. Parajanov gifted the screenplay to Mikhail Vartanov, made a drawing on the cover and wrote: "The Confession will only be made by a director born in 1924 in Tiflis, Georgia." He predicted that he would not finish it.
Ashik Kerib
El juglar errante Ashik Kerib se enamora de la hija de un rico comerciante, pero su padre lo rechaza y lo obliga a vagar por el mundo durante las mil y una noches. Ahora dado por muerto por aquellos a quienes ama, actúa para los pobres y desafortunados en sus viajes por el desierto. Los 'tableaux vivants' visualmente deslumbrantes de Parajanov cuentan la historia romántica de Lermontov, mientras que las canciones populares turcas y azerbaiyanas nos transportan a sus paisajes místicos.