Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka


Short Cuts : The Shining
Quiero que Plutón vuelva a ser un planeta
Un romance transhumano en un futuro próximo. Un joven de origen humilde, Marcus, un H-, se enamora locamente de una H+.
Quiero que Plutón vuelva a ser un planeta
Un romance transhumano en un futuro próximo. Un joven de origen humilde, Marcus, un H-, se enamora locamente de una H+.
La bête
Storyboard Designer
A woman discovers her animal nature when a wolf grows out of her own body and ravages her.
La bête
A woman discovers her animal nature when a wolf grows out of her own body and ravages her.
La bête
A woman discovers her animal nature when a wolf grows out of her own body and ravages her.
The Cord-Woman
On the advice of a stranger, Sebastien wanders into a mysterious erotic vocal performance and experiences sexual attraction to the part-woman, part-instrument who’s having her strings plucked
The Cord-Woman
On the advice of a stranger, Sebastien wanders into a mysterious erotic vocal performance and experiences sexual attraction to the part-woman, part-instrument who’s having her strings plucked
Happy End
What if Death disappeared overnight? What would happen to the world and Bertha King, a deeply suicidal former career soldier who’s utterly upset by the news?
Happy End
What if Death disappeared overnight? What would happen to the world and Bertha King, a deeply suicidal former career soldier who’s utterly upset by the news?