Ottilia Borbáth

Ottilia Borbáth


Ottilia Borbáth


La revolución de la Sra. Ratcliffe
Frau Glock
La señora Ratcliffe (Catherine Tate) abandona la tierra de Marks & Spencer para adentrarse en el mundo de Marx y Lenin. La revolución de la señora Ratcliffe es una divertidísima comedia inglesa que sigue a una peculiar familia desde la Inglaterra de 1968 a la helada Alemania del Este y su regreso a casa. El señor Ratcliffe (Iain Glen) lucha por su causa, pero su mujer lucha por sus singulares hijas: una adolescente diosa del sexo y una espía comunista de 12 años. ¿Podrá el señor Ratcliffe dejar de lado sus ideales para volver enamorarse de su renovada y valiente esposa?
The Last Summer
Imre Horváth and his friends gather to celebrate his wife's birthday. They are confused because of the changes in the country's politics and want Horváth to be much more active politically, but he is more concerned about his affair with his best friend's daughter.
Vera – The Hard Way to Enlightenment
Valahol Magyarországon
The Right Man for a Delicate Mission
a Rendõrfõnök titkárnõje
In this somewhat uneven political satire, good revolutionaries have overthrown a totalitarian state riddled with corruption on all levels when a truly naive bureaucrat (Boguslaw Linda) is placed on a jury that will judge the results of a history competition. Once on the jury, the young bureaucrat starts looking into the past himself and gets embroiled in a labyrinth. The past may well be unclear because recent leaders have certain facts that need to be kept buried. Filmmaker Janos Kovacsi borrows characteristics from revolutions in the Eastern European block (1950s-1980s) to create this post-revolutionary society with an idealist commander (Ferenc Zenthe) meant to lead them. A clue as to what happens next lies in the opening scene -- the funeral of the commander who has given his life for his cause. Ironically, Kovacsi undoubtedly faced censorship on this film. That would not only account for some uneven narration, but it adds a dimension of reality to the topic at hand.
The Cyanide and the Raindrop
Investigation into the death of a modest cashier.
A Cloudless Vacation
Péter and Pál, two notorious skirt hunters competing in wooing Oana, a pretty Romanian girl on the beach at Tihany. A couple of days later the girl gets a telegram saying that she has to leave for Bucharest immediately. The party - which has increased with Piri, the interpreter, and Ági, the hitch-hiker - gets to a Romanian village by Peter's ramshackle car, a 1921 Colymne. The car, however, breaks down.