Celia Xavier

Celia Xavier


Celia Xavier


Mr. Blue Sky
Superintendent Barrillos
An unconventional love triangle between three childhood buddies; two girls, one born with Down syndrome, and one boy, who all grow up fighting who they are inside, how they are perceived by society as a whole, and who they ultimately strive to become as individuals through the obstacles that are inherently present.
Primal Instinct
Footage of a brutal murder becomes a feature on the internet.
Primal Instinct
Footage of a brutal murder becomes a feature on the internet.
Primal Instinct
Vanessa / Cinda
Footage of a brutal murder becomes a feature on the internet.
Black Rain
Nori, Bar Hostess
Una pareja de policías de Nueva York viaja a Japón para entregar a un mafioso a la policía nipona, pero éste logra escapar. De modo obsesivo decide quedarse en Japón para capturarle, pero choca con las tradiciones del país.
Perseguido en Arizona
Después de una serie de crímenes atroces perpetrados por un grupo renegado de vaqueros, dirigido por "Red Jack" Stilwell, un rastreador legendario, Noble Adams se le sacó de su retiro para capturar a Stilwell, vivo o muerto.
Outlaw Force
Wa Ling
Some punks go into a small town and start hassling the gas station owner; Billy Ray Dalton a friend of the owner pulls a shot gun on them and tells them to go away. Later they go back and force the owner to tell them where Dalton lives. Now, Dalton a part time musician's out on a gig, when they go to his house and kill his pregnant wife, and take his daughter. Dalton follows them to try and get his daughter back.