Darina Al Joundi

Darina Al Joundi


Darina Al Joundi


Dirty, Difficult, Dangerous
Mehdia, an Ethiopian migrant domestic worker in Beirut, loves Ahmed, a Syrian refugee who struggles to survive dealing in second-hand metal scraps, while affected by a mysterious physical condition related to shrapnel wounds exposure during the war. Their love story seems to have no future, but since they have nothing, they can lose nothing. When the opportunity presents itself, they leave Beirut in a hopeful and desperate get-away while Ahmed’s physical condition gets worse and worse.
Rana Nasser
Ricky Nasser is a young Australian whose peaceful suburban life turns to hell when his sister Ameena disappears without a trace. In a climate of distrust and xenophobia, Ricky is forced to denounce her as an extremist.
Our River... Our Sky
In a typically mixed Baghdadi neighbourhood in 2006, a community of ordinary people try to live their everyday lives amidst the threat of unpredictable violence. At the heart of these intersecting stories we find Sara, a single mother and novelist, who regains her will to write after witnessing the forced exile of her Christian neighbour and best friend Sabiha. With the news of Saddam Hussein's sudden execution shortly before the New Year, Sara and her neighbours brace themselves for an uncertain future. Yet, like a miracle, each is able to sustain a fragile sense of hope.
Bajo los cielos del Líbano
En la década de 1950, Alice deja las montañas y la soleada Suiza por las vibrantes costas de Beirut, en el Líbano. No sabe que allí se enamorará perdidamente de Joseph, un excéntrico astrofísico que quiere lanzar al país a la carrera espacial. Alice pronto encaja entre su grupo de amigos y familiares, pero tras años de felicidad, la amenaza de la guerra se cierne sobre este particular Jardín del Edén que han construido juntos.
El hombre que vendió su piel
Sam’s mother
Sam Ali, un joven sensible e impulsivo de Siria, abandona su país poniendo rumbo hacia el Líbano huyendo de la guerra. Para poder viajar por Europa y vivir así con el amor de su vida, acepta tatuarse la espalda a manos de uno de los artistas contemporáneos más importantes que existen. Tras convertir su cuerpo en una prestigiosa obra de arte, Sam comprende poco a poco que su decisión implica todo lo contrario a lo que él deseaba en un principio: la libertad
Sisters in Arms
La mère de Zara
Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces. There they meet Zara, a Yezidi survivor. Born in different cultures but deeply united, the women-fighters heal their past wounds and discover their present strength, especially the fear they inspire in their opponents. The three young women soon bound together and become true sisters-in-arms.
Asmahan the Diva
La vida de Asmahan, la diva y princesa drusa fue corta, ¡pero qué vida! Matrimonios, gloria, espionaje, enamorados, alcohol, póquer, suicidios, asesinatos, escándalos…Esta Marilyn oriental ha marcado la época dorada de las comedias musicales egipcias. Hoy en día, su voz todavía resuena en todas partes del Medio Oriente y su misteriosa muerte en las aguas del Nilo aún alimenta los rumores más salvajes ...
The movie revolves around Mohsen El-Saagh who decides to challenge his clan in order to win the heart of Haifa, in the midst of the struggle of the leaders to lead the clan.
La torre
Lina (voice)
Wardi, una niña palestina de 11 años, vive en el campo de refugiados en el que ha nacido. El día en el que su bisabuelo le da la llave de su antigua casa en Galilea, ella teme que él haya perdido toda esperanza de volver a su hogar.
The Violet Hour
Raha Azim
Set in Paris, an ancestral home holds the key to a family's future.
Ma fille
Mentes brillantes
El primer año de Universidad suele ser el más complicado para los estudiantes, especialmente si están estudiando medicina. De esto se da cuenta rápidamente Benjamin (William Lebghil), un alumno de primer curso que sueña con ser doctor a cualquier precio. Benjamin conoce allí a Antoine (Vincent Lacoste), un joven que va más atrasado que el resto de su promoción. Juntos, se proponen conseguir superar el año, sacando muy buenas notas, sin importar el sacrificio que tengan aportar. Los dos jóvenes entablarán una amistad entrañable mientras luchan por hacer sus sueños realidad.
Kiss Me Not
Fajr is a famous temptation star, and the heroine of the first feature film of a young director. She rejects the kissing scene in the film, which provokes the director and the producer, and everyone tries to reach common ground to complete the film and get out of this dilemma.
The Gate of the Sun
Femme fantôme
Yousry Nasrallah's powerful adaptation of Lebanese writer Elias Khoury's epic novel of fifty years of Palestinian dispossession, exile, and resistance. The film follows the flight of Younes, his wife Nahila, and those around them, from their village in northern Palestine to a refugee camp in Lebanon. Some vow to continue the struggle, most simply struggle to survive. Unsparingly detailing the impact of the nakba (disaster) on Palestinian life and society and the refugees' often-contentious relationship with their reluctant Lebanese hosts, Gate of the Sun spans generations, mixing personal stories with historical events.
Beirut Phantom
Khalil's girlfriend
Late in the 1980s it seems like the Lebanese conflict will never end. Khalil returns to Beirut after many years. Ten years earlier, during a battle, he took advantage of the confusion and pretended he was dead.
Seul le silence
La mère de Neda