La relación entre Ale (18 años) y Rocío (13) se enfrenta al mayor de los desafíos cuando su madre, inmigrante ilegal de Honduras, es encarcelada y sentenciada injustamente. Desde ese momento tendrán que tomar el papel de padre y madre de sus dos hermanos más pequeños.
The residents of a small Frisian town are kind-hearted people. They accepted a family of Syrian immigrants with open arms. Although they ensured decent life conditions for them, the newcomers were not able to find their own place in the small community and left it after a year. But not every member of the family made the decision to leave. Teenage brothers, Mohammed and Ahmad, decided to stay. The boys made friends with their peers, found their own place at school and learnt the language. They understand that they will not go back to ruined Aleppo and plan their future in the new homeland.