Thriller de espionaje -ideado y producido por Jessica Chastain- sobre cinco mujeres que se unen, superando sus rencillas y conflictos personales, para usar sus respectivos talentos y experiencia con un objetivo: intentar evitar que una poderosa organización adquiera un arma que empuje al tambaleante mundo al caos total. En el camino, estas mujeres se convertirán en camaradas y amigas, formando un nuevo grupo cuyo nombre en clave es "355", nombre que adoptan de la primera mujer espía en la Revolución Americana.
The NYC agent Tom Clerc, deaf and carrier of a powerful gene mutation that enables him to create superpowers through the use of Sign language, is sent to Japan with his colleague to investigate various intriguing crimes committed by Japanese Deaf mutants.
The NYC agent Tom Clerc, deaf and carrier of a powerful gene mutation that enables him to create superpowers through the use of Sign language, is sent to Japan with his colleague to investigate various intriguing crimes committed by Japanese Deaf mutants.
The NYC agent Tom Clerc, deaf and carrier of a powerful gene mutation that enables him to create superpowers through the use of Sign language, is sent to Japan with his colleague to investigate various intriguing crimes committed by Japanese Deaf mutants.
The NYC agent Tom Clerc, deaf and carrier of a powerful gene mutation that enables him to create superpowers through the use of Sign language, is sent to Japan with his colleague to investigate various intriguing crimes committed by Japanese Deaf mutants.