The film is based on a true occurrence in Sweden in 1988. A Finnish couple murdered a young boy and his parents when they prevented the theft of the son's bicycle. The film tries to describe the relationship between the dominant Jari, who calls himself "Il Capitano", and his more mature "soldier" Minna, that develops into mutual dependence.
Carl Hamilton (Coq Rouge, el James Bond sueco) es llamado ante la KU (la respuesta de Suecia a la audiencia en el Congreso estadounidense) para responder preguntas acerca de una guerra de espías entre Suecia y la Unión Soviética.
In the middle of this film, about the working class in pre-world war II Sweden, is Anders, who wishes to become an author, his father, who is a notorious dreamer and liar, and his mother, who struggles to keep their family alive.