Viktória Ujváry


Másfél millió
Darkness in Daytime
In 1963 in Tihany, somebody addresses the writer Gábor Náday. He is reminded of a night drive in 1944 that saved his life. Painful memories start coming to Náday.
Año 1863. Etienne Lantier, despedido de la compañía de ferrocarriles por estar implicado en actividades sindicales, consigue trabajo en una mina del norte de Francia. Encuentra alojamiento en casa de la familia Maheus, donde todos son mineros y cuya hija, Catalina, se rinde a sus encantos. El trabajo es duro, mal pagado y peligroso. Cuando se enteran los mineros de que se les va a rebajar el salario, liderados por Lantier, se rebelan. La compañía decide contratar a otros obreros en su lugar y las autoridades reprimen a los rebeldes sin miramiento alguno.
At Midnight
On New Year's Eve in 1956 the artist couple, the actor János and the dancer Viki are hastily packing. While they are waiting for the car, which is to take them across the border, their entire life is replayed in front of their eyes.
Dollar Daddy
In a rural scenery in the throes of difficult changes lives a humble but promising young farmer girl called Mari Pataki. Her father forbids her from seeing the man she loves. The father, above all preoccupied by work on the fields and prospective wealth, decides to give his daughter in marriage to an old but rich man with whom he does business. Land marries land, he says. This seems to be the unyielding rule of the Hungarian peasantry. But the young lover is ready to stand up to any challenge to keep Maris love.
The Day of Wrath
In May 1919 in a small rural town beside Salgótarján the local high society wants to get the power back with the leadership of dr. Máriáss, exploiting the outside attack launched against the Republic of Councils.