Arthur B. Gillette


Smalltown Boys
A young man seems to be dreaming of a reality different from the business he is about to take over and the married life that goes with it; he is drawn to the spicy life of a queer vaudeville troupe performing in his village.
Mapaches guerreros
Original Music Composer
Los mapaches han experimentado una expansión sin precedentes. Detrás de su aspecto inocente y simpático se esconde un instinto extraordinario de supervivencia.
100 Years of the Atom
Original Music Composer
The exciting story of the splitting of the atom, a scientific breakthrough of incalculable importance that ushered in the nuclear age, has a dark side: the many events in which people were exposed to radiation, both intentionally and by accident.
Los conductos
Original Music Composer
Pinky está huyendo. Por la noche, las calles vacías huelen a apocalipsis y la ciudad parece estar en llamas. Los narcóticos se arremolinan por las venas y el aire. Habiéndose liberado de las garras de una secta liderada por un cierto “padre” y decidido a tomar su destino en sus propias manos, ahora se encuentra encerrado en una fábrica ilegal de camisetas, rodeado de pinturas, consignas y prensas térmicas. Pinky busca la luz al final del túnel, pero los fantasmas le bajan por el cuello. Está corriendo por su vida y Colombia está en llamas. Pero Colombia está viva.
Gabriel and the Mountain
Antes de entrar a una prestigiosa universidad americana, Gabriel Buchmann decide viajar por el mundo durante un año. Después de diez meses en la carretera, llega a Kenia decidido a descubrir el continente africano. Hasta que llega a la cima del Monte Mulanje, en Malawi, su último destino.
La fièvre
Original Music Composer
On a feverish night, a child senses a ghost, a woman who has come from the sea, coming home after a long political exile. A silent tale, a bodyless voice and visions mingle in the dark of the night and the fever. The child of the present and the political refugee coming home are now one, traveling together to a strange building, appearing to be her lost memories. Forgotten political fights appear and disappear with the fever's hallucinations. Then, new fights, the Arab spring of Morocco, flood the past.
La fièvre
On a feverish night, a child senses a ghost, a woman who has come from the sea, coming home after a long political exile. A silent tale, a bodyless voice and visions mingle in the dark of the night and the fever. The child of the present and the political refugee coming home are now one, traveling together to a strange building, appearing to be her lost memories. Forgotten political fights appear and disappear with the fever's hallucinations. Then, new fights, the Arab spring of Morocco, flood the past.