Akul Dang


1 Night in San Diego
Doug the Pedicab Driver
Two life long friends, Hannah, a former reality starlet, and her conscious cuddling best friend, Brooklyn, road trip to San Diego to meet a high school crush and attend Comic Con. When things don't go as planned, their trip turns into a night of chaos, debauchery, and ultimately tests the deepest bonds of their friendship.
Sherbert Brown
This is what happens when you merge The Room with Star Wars.
When a passing asteroid begins to affect how people perceive time, one man (Riley Egan) struggles to keep up with a life that is quickly disappearing into the future.
La llegada
Pakistani Scientist
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.