Emmanuel Suarez


The Perfect Date
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
Julie y Julia
Julie Powell (Amy Adams), decidida a hacer algo creativo para olvidar su rutinario trabajo, se plantea como un reto elaborar las 524 recetas del libro "Dominando el arte de la cocina francesa", un clásico de la gastronomía publicado en 1961 por Julia Child (Meryl Streep). Durante ese año, escribe cada día sus experiencias en un blog que tendrá múltiples seguidores.