Cleverton Borges


As Mil Palavras de Giacomo Geremia
Foley Artist
The story of photographer Giacomo Geremia.
Bittersweet Power
Sound Recordist
In one night, Lucas, Luiza and Bia remember the pains and delights of being who they are.
Jardim das Horas
Sound Recordist
The Brazilian Palestine
Marked by its ethnic diversity, today Rio Grande do Sul is home to thousands of Palestinian immigrants, expelled after the UN shared its territory in 1947, allowing the founding of the State of Israel. As a result, the Palestinian diaspora emerges, reaching six million people living in different countries. In Brazil, the discrete Palestinian community seeks to survive, grow and gain social recognition for its economic and social contribution.
The Case of the Wrong Man
Sound Recordist
The documentary tells the story of Júlio César, a young Afro-Brazilian who was executed by the Police in the 1980s in Porto Alegre. The crime became notorious when the press published photos of Julius being put alive in the police car and arriving 37 minutes later shot and dead at the hospital.