Teddy Kunhardt


Fragments of Paradise
For over 70 years, Jonas Mekas, internationally known as the "godfather" of avant-garde cinema, documented his life in what came to be known as his diary films. From his arrival in New York City as a displaced person in 1949 to his death in 2019, he chronicled the trauma and loss of exile while pioneering institutions to support the growth of independent film in the United States. Fragments of Paradise is an intimate look at his life and work constructed from thousands of hours of his own video and film diaries-including never-before-seen tapes and unpublished audio recordings. It is a story about finding beauty amidst profound loss, and a man who tried to make sense of it all... with a camera.
A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks
Este documental narra la carrera estelar del hombre renacentista Gordon Parks desde el fotógrafo del personal de la revista LIFE, pasando por su desarrollo artístico fotografiando a los estadounidenses comunes, hasta su evolución como novelista y cineasta innovador.
The Soul of America
El escritor, periodista, historiador y biógrafo presidencial ganador del Premio Pulitzer John Meacham ofrece sus conocimientos oportunos e invaluables sobre el momento político e histórico actual del país al examinar su pasado. Basado en su bestseller de 2018 del mismo nombre.
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
An intimate portrait of Alabama public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, who for more than three decades has advocated on behalf of the poor, the incarcerated and the condemned, seeking to eradicate racial discrimination in the criminal justice system.
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
An intimate portrait of Alabama public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, who for more than three decades has advocated on behalf of the poor, the incarcerated and the condemned, seeking to eradicate racial discrimination in the criminal justice system.
John McCain: Por quién doblan las campanas
Una mirada a la vida de John McCain, desde su época de soldado en Vietnam hasta sus tres décadas como senador de Estados Unidos.
King in the Wilderness
Documental sobre los últimos 18 meses de vida del líder de los movimientos civiles Martin Luther King Jr.
Ben Bradlee: El hombre del Washington Post
Un retrato íntimo del editor ejecutivo del Washington Post, Ben Bradlee, trazando su notable ascenso de un joven muchacho de Boston afectado por la poliomielitis a una de las figuras periodísticas más pioneras y consecuentes del siglo XX.
Cómo ser Warren Buffett
The story of the evolution of a boy from Nebraska who became one of the most respected men in the world, and the heroes who helped guide him along the way. By allowing access to his life and never-before-released home videos, Buffett offers a glimpse into his unique mind to help us understand what is truly important when money no longer has meaning.
Jim: The James Foley Story
Una mirada en profundidad a la vida y obra del periodista estadounidense James Foley, quien fue asesinado por terroristas de ISIS en 2014.
Viviendo con Lincoln
Cómo una colección única de fotos y recuerdos de Abraham Lincoln ha marcado profundamente la vida de una familia durante cinco generaciones