The door has been closed for many weeks. A teenager has locked himself in - shutting out a helpless father, mother and sister. In Japan, youths like him have already been given a name: Hikikomori (the secluded). The phenomenon is also beginning to spread throughout the Western world. This is all the family has been able to find out. All they can do is stand in front of the locked door and ask, beg, implore, throw tantrums, despair, accuse, ignore and hope. All the while, the door increasingly becomes a mirror of their own lives.
Carolin, una enfermera y madre soltera, se encuentra un boleto de lotería premiado. Aunque su familia necesita el dinero, su conciencia no le permite cobrar el premio y decide buscar a su propietario.
Psychological and sociological portrait of Camillo Castiglioni, the king of inflation, who became one of Europe's richest men in the twenties through speculation and war profiteering.