Anna Brooks Beckman


What has left since we left
On February 7th 1992, the Treaty on European Union was signed in the Dutch city of Maastricht. Decades later, the representatives of the last three countries left in Europe meet again in the very same room where it was signed, this time to deliberate on the permanent shutdown of their Union. In what seems to be a looped therapy session, the three characters - helped by a British interpreter as a self-appointed analyst - try to deal with their feeling of loss.
Rey Arturo: la leyenda de Excalibur
Woman 2
Arturo es un joven intrépido que dirige a su pandilla por los callejones de Londonium. Tras sacar la espada de Excalibur, se verá obligado a tomar algunas duras decisiones. Junto a una misteriosa mujer llamada Guinevere, deberá aprender a manejar la espada, vencer a sus demonios y unir al pueblo para derrotar al tirano Vortigern, quien robó su corona y asesinó a sus padres antes de convertirse en rey.