Naomi Levari


Love Trilogy: Chained
Rashi es policía desde hace dieciséis años, guardián celoso de la ley y velando por los demás. A pesar de su constante exposición a la violencia, espera con ilusión tener un hijo con su esposa, Avigail, pero su mundo da un vuelco cuando es acusado de un delito y suspendido en su trabajo debido a su conducta durante un control policial. Mientras defiende su inocencia, los enfrentamientos con su hijastra, que es tan terca como él, son frecuentes y desafían su autoridad. Su esposa se vuelve gradualmente distante. Indefenso y encadenado por su necesidad de dominar, se convierte en un peligro para sí mismo y sus seres queridos.
The Damned
Cursed by a Bedouin woman, three young soldiers on a training exercise in the desert slowly descend into madness and turn on each other as the unforgiving landscape plays tricks with their minds.
One Week and a Day
Cuando Eyal termina la semana de duelo por su difunto hijo, su esposa le insta a volver a su rutina, pero en su lugar se pone alto con un vecino joven y se pone a descubrir que todavía hay cosas en su vida por las que vale la pena vivir.
A Bitter Mix
Benny, an Israeli living in Berlin is called back home following his grandfather death. He arrives to Israel with his girlfriend Sara and his family can't wait to meet her. But suspicions arise. The family realizes that Benny and Sara haven't actually met in a synagogue but in front of a synagogue and that the right pronunciation of her name is Zahra. Zahra Abdulla to be precise. Zahra was born in Germany to a German mother and an Egyptian father. As tension rises, the members of the family discover that Benny and Zahra were not the only ones who tried to lead a quiet life while keeping secrets.
Kinder der Hoffnung
An Israeli director currently living in Berlin returns to Israel to meet some of her friends from primary school. She learns what has been happening in their lives since their paths parted while we get a glimpse of different Israelis.