Pinhua Chen


Sound Editor
Después de que la hija de 16 años de David Kim desaparece, se abre una investigación policial. Pero 37 horas más tarde y sin una sola pista, David decide buscar en el único lugar donde nadie ha buscado todavía y donde se guardan todos los secretos hoy en día: el ordenador portátil de su hija. David debe rastrear las huellas digitales de su hija antes de que desaparezca para siempre. Un thriller que se desarrolla en la pantalla del ordenador.
Sound Editor
A bright, talented and lonely long-distance runner twists her ankle as she prepares for the Olympic Trials and must do something she's never done before: take a day off.
Wild Prairie Rose
Sound Effects Editor
In 1952 Rose Miller returns to her rural hometown of Beresford, South Dakota to care for her ailing mother. Once there, she falls in love with a deaf man and must decide if she has the courage to follow her heart.
Ways Of Seeing
Sound Designer
Rumble of train rails; Crashing of ocean waves; Soft caress of distant wind. Two people. Two ways of perceiving the world.
An Object at Rest
Sound Designer
From the director: An Object at Rest follows the life of a stone as it travels over the course of millennia, facing nature's greatest obstacle: human civilization. My final thesis film at CalArts!