Special Effects Technician
Las hormonas pueden ser muy traicioneras. Y si no, que se lo digan a los adolescentes que, atraídos por un anuncio que promete sexo en grupo con una mujer, caen en la trampa de un grupo de fanáticos religiosos dispuestos a erradicar con métodos extremos la libido de la juventud norteamericana. Historia inspirada en la figura real de Fred Phelps, el líder de un grupo religioso extremista que se hacía llamar la Iglesia Bautista Westboro.
HOW TO BE A SERIAL KILLER is the story of Mike Wilson, a charismatic, educated, and articulate young man who has found his life's purpose in exterminating people. Mike is determined to spread his message about the joy of serial killing and recruits a lost soul named Bart to be his pupil. Mike leads Bart through the ethics of serial killing as well as teaching him various lessons in disposing corp
Special Effects Coordinator
The Deputy Marshall tracks down an escaped convict along with a young deputy and the help of a former prostitute.