Nicole Rodan

Nicole Rodan


Nicole Rodan


A group of teenagers dare each other to touch a cursed oak tree which leads to the disappearing of one of the group and another gets a rash on her palm leading to a battle for survival.
Gone Are the Days
Gone Are the Days sigue la historia del notorio proscrito, Taylon Flynn. Envejecido, enfermo e incapaz de reconciliar al hombre que era con quien se ha convertido, Flynn está empeñado en salir de esta vida en un arrebato de gloria. Sus planes se tuercen al descubrir la vida sórdida que su hija se ve obligada a vivir. Para salvarla, debe convocar a los demonios internos que purgó hace mucho tiempo, y encuentra que la redención es un camino difícil de recorrer.
Gone Are the Days
Gone Are the Days sigue la historia del notorio proscrito, Taylon Flynn. Envejecido, enfermo e incapaz de reconciliar al hombre que era con quien se ha convertido, Flynn está empeñado en salir de esta vida en un arrebato de gloria. Sus planes se tuercen al descubrir la vida sórdida que su hija se ve obligada a vivir. Para salvarla, debe convocar a los demonios internos que purgó hace mucho tiempo, y encuentra que la redención es un camino difícil de recorrer.
The Teller and the Truth
Executive Producer
In 1974, 24 year-old Francis Wetherbee, a bank teller who is the subject of small-town envy and gossip, disappears from her hometown of Smithville, Texas two weeks after her fiance's bank is robbed. Her car is dredged from the bottom of a local river but it yields no clues. After a vigorous but futile search for the missing woman, the authorities give up, and Francis recedes into legend--until the case is revisited nearly 40 years later when key figures in her life come forward with theories and clues surrounding her disappearance. The film then morphs from documentary style to narrative as the odyssey of Francis' life unfolds for the audience and the truth is revealed.
Jackass Backyard BBQ
Production Assistant
Backyard barbecue with the Jackass cast and crew