Mark Lenard

Mark Lenard

Nacimiento : 1924-10-15, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1996-11-22


Mark Lenard is an actor, perhaps best known for his many roles in the Star Trek universe. Lenard played a Klingon, a Romulan, and a Vulcan in the original '60s Star Trek TV show, and memorably played Sarek, Spock's Vulcan father, in several Star Trek movies and later TV shows.


Mark Lenard
Mark Lenard


Star Trek: The Next Generation - Unification
Sarek (archive footage)
When the Federation calls for help in locating an ambassador suspected of defecting, Picard is troubled to learn that Spock is the one who has vanished. Seeking information from Spock's ailing father, Sarek, and unlikely help from the Klingons, Picard and his crew find the ambassador pursuing a personal mission on Romulus: a Vulcan/Romulan reunification. But though the Romulans claim to support the same goal, their motives are not what they seem.
Star Trek VI: Aquel país desconocido
Tras años de guerra, la Federación y el Imperio Klingon se disponen a celebrar una conferencia de paz. Pero el panorama de una negociación intergaláctica, con implacables enemigos, preocupa al Almirante Kirk. Cuando una nave Klingon es atacada y responsabilizan al Enterprise, ambos mundos se preparan para el que puede ser su encuentro definitivo.
The Radicals
Eberhard Hoffman
The story of the Anabaptist movement and two of its first leaders, Michael and Margaretha Sattler.
Star Trek IV: Misión salvar la Tierra
Ambassador Sarek
En el siglo XXIII, un misterioso poder alienígena amenaza la Tierra, evaporando los océanos y destruyendo la atmósfera. En un frenético intento para salvar a la humanidad, el Capitán Kirk y su tripulación viajan en el tiempo y regresan al San Francisco de 1986, encontrándose con un mundo de punks, pizza y autobuses de cambio exacto, que les resultan tan alienígenas como todo lo que han encontrado en los lugares más recónditos de la galaxia.
Star Trek III: En busca de Spock
Ambassador Sarek
Tras la desaparición de Spock y la creación del planeta Génesis, la tripulación del Enterprise se dispone a localizar el cuerpo de su compañero, a petición del padre de éste.
Farewell to the Planet of the Apes
When the astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are captured in a fishing village that employs human slave labor, they must prove their worth as fishermen or be sacrificed to the 'gods of the sea,' or what the men call sharks. Escaping from the forced labor camp, the trio become involved in a plot to develop a glider to drop a fragmentation bomb on the gorilla council. [The fifth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Tomorrow's Tide" and "Up Above the World So High"]
Life, Liberty and Pursuit on the Planet of the Apes
When fugitive human astronaut Virdon is shot, his chimp companion Galen must charm an old flame into accepting that a book on human surgery is no hoax. Meanwhile, their friend Burke is captured by the ape authorities and is to be brainwashed by a brilliant ape scientist named Wanda. [The fourth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Surgeon" and "The Interrogation"]
Treachery and Greed on the Planet of the Apes
The fugitives Burke, Virdon and Galen try to save the life of a human blacksmith and his son, whome gorilla leader Urko has threatened with death should his horse lose another race. The trio also attempt to expose a crooked gorilla by framing him in a plot to kill Urko. [The third of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Horse Race" and "The Tyrant"]
The Forgotten City of the Planet of the Apes
Human astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are forced to become involved in the strange gladiatorial games of the district run by prefect Tolar. The trio escape the gorilla police and find an abandoned government research project with a computer containing a vast amount of recording information about the old human-ruled world. [The second of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Gladiators" and "The Legacy"]
Back to the Planet of the Apes
Astronauts Pete Burke and Allan Virdon crash on Earth in the far future and are captured by the apes. The men befriend a chimp named Galen who helps them to escape. In the hopes of finding a way to get back to their own time, the astronauts search for a computer in an eathquake-threatened city, with which they will be able to access their flight records. [The first of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Escape from Tomorrow" and "The Trap"]
Star Trek: La película
Klingon Captain
Siglo XXIII. Al Almirante James T. Kirk, de la nave Enterprise, se le encomienda una difícil misión: neutralizar un extraño cuerpo para que no colisione con la Tierra. El Oficial Spock, el Capitán Willard Decker, la Asesora Ilía y el Doctor McCoy ayudan al Almirante Kirk a descubrir la naturaleza de este cuerpo sideral, provisto de un mecanismo de inteligencia de origen terrestre. La expedición del Enterprise localiza al ente y entonces se apresta a introducirse en su centro de operaciones...
Annie Hall
Navy Officer
Alvy Singer, un tipo algo neurótico, trabaja como humorista en clubs nocturnos. A sus 40 años, tras romper con Annie, su última novia, reflexiona sobre su vida, rememorando sus amores, sus matrimonios, pero muy en especial su relación con Annie, a la que conoció en una cancha de tenis. Al final, llega a la conclusión de que son sus manías y obsesiones las que siempre acaban arruinando su relación con las mujeres.
Mr. Chandler
One man decides to wage war against a gang of teenage punks besieging an affluent California community. Based on a true incident.
Noon Sunday
Jason Cootes
Two mercenaries are hired to commit a political assassination.
Cometieron dos errores
Oklahoma, 1889. Unos hombres acusan injustamente a Jed Cooper (Clint Eastwood) de haber robado ganado y no dudan en ahorcarlo. En el último instante, lo salva un comisario que trabaja a las órdenes del juez Fentom. Aclarados los hechos y demostrada su inocencia, el juez aconseja a Cooper que olvide lo ocurrido y le ofrece un puesto como comisario. Su misión será capturar vivos a los que intentaron lincharlo para que sean juzgados por el juez.
La historia más grande jamás contada
Superproducción sobre la vida de Jesús de Nazaret que contó con un extenso y conocido reparto en el que destaca Max von Sydow como Jesucristo. A partir de los Evangelios narra la vida de Jesús en la Palestina ocupada por Roma: su nacimiento en Belén, su infancia en Nazaret, los tres años de vida pública, la Última Cena, la traición de su discípulo Judas, su juicio, crucifixión y posterior resurrección.
The Power and the Glory
Based on Graham Greene's novel about a flawed but devoted priest in 1930s Mexico who attempts to perform his duties while eluding a police lieutenant determined to capture him.