Michael Rowe

Michael Rowe

Nacimiento : 1971-01-01, Ballarat, Australia


Australian-Mexican screenwriter and director. Born in Australia in 1971. At the age of 23 he moved to Mexico on an impromptu trip. After a few weeks in the country, he ran out of money and began teaching English classes. He later accepted a job with The News newspaper. He enrolled in a diploma program at the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC) of the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, and enrolled in the "Vicente Leñero" permanent workshop to develop his interests as a film scriptwriter. He worked at the newspaper El Economista, where he began writing in Spanish to continue financing his studies. In 2003, he graduated with honors from the CCC. In 2007, after unsuccessfully seeking support to shoot his first film, Naturalezas muertas, he decided to make the film on his own. A little later he won a "direct script support" from the Instituto Nacional de Cinematografía (National Institute of Cinematography). From there, he bought a small digital film equipment and quit his job as a travel magazine editor. He directed his first film, Año bisiesto, in 2009, which was awarded the Camera d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010, and the Ariel for Best First Film in 2011. He also won the 2010 Aleksandar Sasa Petrovic Belgrade Grand Prize and the 2010 FIPRESCI Award, His second film, Manto Acuífero was part of the Official Selection at the Rome Film Festival in 2013. With his third film, Early Winter, he won the Venice Days Award at the Venice Film Festival in 2015, and the Louve d' Or 2015 Montreal. His films have been distributed in more than 30 countries. He is also founder and director of the Itinerant School of Film and Narrative.


Michael Rowe


En un día familiar de playa, un hombre casado de edad mediana es apantallado por la belleza de una adolescente. Surge un coqueteo que lo llevará a cuestionar la vida que lleva.
En un día familiar de playa, un hombre casado de edad mediana es apantallado por la belleza de una adolescente. Surge un coqueteo que lo llevará a cuestionar la vida que lleva.
Early Winter
The life of a security guard in a retirement home spirals out of control when he catches his wife with a lover, pushing him to the brink of insanity.
Early Winter
The life of a security guard in a retirement home spirals out of control when he catches his wife with a lover, pushing him to the brink of insanity.
Vidas violentas
6 historias que narran casos verdadero de violencia en nuestro mundo. Una película multipremiada, abrumadora y aleccionadora que ha sido vista por más de 20 millones de personas. Creada por los mejores directores de Cine para el análisis de la convivencia y conductas agresivas. Es una de las películas más representativas de los últimos años del cine latinoamericano.
Manto acuífero
After her parents’ separation, eight-year-old Caro moves in with her mother and her stepfather, Felipe. Even though her mother makes it clear that she will never see her father again, Caro wants nothing more than for him to return. Feeling abandoned, she seeks refuge near the well in the backyard of their house, a secret place. As she grows up, distant from her mother, Caro discovers a secret about her father that will change her forever.
Manto acuífero
After her parents’ separation, eight-year-old Caro moves in with her mother and her stepfather, Felipe. Even though her mother makes it clear that she will never see her father again, Caro wants nothing more than for him to return. Feeling abandoned, she seeks refuge near the well in the backyard of their house, a secret place. As she grows up, distant from her mother, Caro discovers a secret about her father that will change her forever.
Año bisiesto
Laura (Mónica del Carmen), una chica de Oaxaca que ha emigrado a la capital, vive sola en un modesto apartamento, en el que trabaja como colaboradora para una editorial. Al margen de su trabajo, recibe esporádicamente la visita de su hermano menor y mantiene furtivos encuentros sexuales con amantes de una sola noche. Cierto día conoce a Arturo (Gustavo Sánchez Parra), un hombre que despierta en ella irrefrenables deseos masoquistas.
Año bisiesto
Laura (Mónica del Carmen), una chica de Oaxaca que ha emigrado a la capital, vive sola en un modesto apartamento, en el que trabaja como colaboradora para una editorial. Al margen de su trabajo, recibe esporádicamente la visita de su hermano menor y mantiene furtivos encuentros sexuales con amantes de una sola noche. Cierto día conoce a Arturo (Gustavo Sánchez Parra), un hombre que despierta en ella irrefrenables deseos masoquistas.