Hold on to the edge of your seats as young adrenaline junkies defy all odds, soar from rooftops, head-spin with broken backs, and display the athleticism, determination, and artistic expression that has made these Stunt Sports a global phenomenon. This film documents the struggles and lives of these underground acrobats and showcases how these three urban movements have found their niche in Hollywood and made Tricking, Breaking, and Parkour athletes some of the most sought after stuntmen in show business today. Stunt Sport is directed by The McKaig Bros (Samuel McKaig & Ian McKaig) and produced by Hollywood Film And Media.
Versión cinematográfica del popular musical de ABBA. Una joven que ha crecido en una pequeña isla griega, ha sido educada por una madre rebelde y poco convencional, que siempre se ha negado a revelarle la identidad de su padre. Cuando, por fin, parece que la joven está a punto de saberlo, aparecen tres posibles candidatos.