Argentina, 1943. Cipriano Reyes, un alto dirigente de los trabajadores de la carne, llega a Berisso. Allí se encuentra con dos enormes empresas frigoríficas que atesoran a más de 14.000 obreros. Con cruces políticos e ideológicos muy fuertes y típicos de la época, el pequeño pueblo es escenario de una feroz batalla por el envío de carnes a Europa. A partir de ese conflicto, Reyes toma gran relevancia de la escena política nacional.
Film made up of ten short films selected by a jury among applicants from different film schools throughout the country.
"Leti is not sick and you should stop worrying about her", says Erica. But Damián knows better: the night visits to the cemetery and the bathroom decorated with plaques; the knives on the wall and the frequent wounds; the bandages and the barbed wire... He also knows that Erica's arrival to get a picture and become famous for it was for the worst: now Leti wants to be sliced until there's no more Leti left to cut. He doesn't know their obsessions and desires will lead them to get together again, sharing the same place: a true bloody bath.