A musician, brooding over the marriage of his sometime girlfriend, decides to take his adopted daughter to his home in Texas to celebrate Christmas with his family. While there, he begins to rekindle the relationship he once had with his childhood girlfriend.
Delta County is a staid Southern community caught between the old traditions and a rapidly changing way of life. For teenagers Terry Nicholas, his sister McCain, and Joe Ed, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks that she's attracted to, the old traditions have little meaning in their lives. Their elders, struggling to preserve values of an older day, have personal problems that are sometimes overwhelming, such as the one facing John McCain Jr., an alcoholic whose wife Kate is having a hidden and torrid romance that sets her husband off on a vengeance-seeking spree.
El empresario Bannon organiza una carrera automovilística ilegal desde Nueva York hasta California. Roscoe, un policía a punto de jubilarse, vigila celosamente todo el trayecto; lleva muchos años persiguiendo a Bannon y está decidido a atraparlo.
Inspirada en la historia de "The Supremes", cuenta la historia de una muchacha que pasa del coro de la iglesia al estrellato, debiendo lidiar ya desde la fama con las drogas y otros problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Zandy Allan decide casarse con Hannah, una mujer a la que ha conocido por correo, pero la trata como si fuera de su propiedad, sin mostrarle el más mínimo respeto. Su falta de humanidad los hará vivir duras experiencias que pondrán a prueba su instinto de supervivencia. Sólo entonces, empezarán a acercarse y comprenderse.
During a session with his psychoanalyst, Alexander Portnoy rants about everything that is bothering him. His complaints include his childhood and his family with an emphasis on his mother, his sexual fantasies and the problems that he has with women, and his obsessive feelings about his Judaism.