Delphine Desfons


Walking a Tightrope
Marcel Spadice is a famous writer with a criminal background and a penchant for handsome men. From time to time, he induces an attractive female admirer to arrange for him to be introduced to nice, talented young men who happen to be sufficiently handsome to interest him. At other times, the endless effort to woo these men (who are most often heterosexual) grows wearying, and he goes to the train station to pick up soldiers looking for some easy money and a night's lodging. In this film, the writer has grown enamored with a young circus laborer who wants to move up in the world, literally, by becoming a tightrope walker. Marcel cadges an introduction, and for a time sponsors the young man's training. However, when the boy suffers an accident which renders him unfit for his chosen vocation, Marcel loses interest in him and takes up with another young man.
The Photograph
Ilias Apostolou, un joven peletero que tuvo dificultades durante la dictadura, deja Castoria en 1971 para emigrar a Francia, donde espera unirse a un pariente lejano suyo, Gerassimos Tzivas, que ha estado viviendo allí desde 1950. Con él sólo se lleva de su tierra natal una fotografía de una persona que se encuentra en el pavimento. Le pide a Gerassimos que lo ayude a encontrar trabajo en París. Un malentendido en torno a la fotografía, sin embargo, desencadena una serie de eventos dramáticos.
The opening of the Picasso-National Museum in Paris granted a unique chance for Didier Baussy to document the precious collection in the museum in 81-minutes of film. The museum shows paintings held back by Picasso himself which have been very valuable for his connection to the world and his memories. A sensitive Analysis of these pictures dominantly from the Guernica-phase, grant a deep insight into the history of this artist and man Picasso, a geographical location of the scenes and a glimpse of his sources of inspiration.
Démons de midi
Un cuarentón en paro se va a la aventura al sur de Francia, donde conocerá a una joven actriz.
¿No oyes ladrar los perros?
Carrying his son on his back, a man travels from place to place looking for a doctor to treat the sick boy. As they journey, the indio father tells the boy stories to keep him distracted. These stories reveal the life of native peoples in Mexico, both in the countryside and in cities, and they shed light on characteristic beliefs and rituals.
La fenêtre
Two suicides take place in the same room of a hotel in Paris. The police investigate the reason why two previous tenants was pushed to hang themselves at that particular place.
La chinoise
Godard y el maoismo. Estrenada un año antes del mayo del 68, "La Chinoise" relata las inquietudes por cambiar el mundo de un grupo de estudiantes franceses empapados del pensamiento de Mao Tse Tung. París, durante el verano de 1967, cuando pocos intentaban aplicar los principios que rompieron con la burguesía de la URSS y de los partidos comunistas occidentales en el nombre de Mao Tse Tung. Empapados del pensamiento de Mao y de literatura comunista, un grupo de estudiantes franceses se empieza a preguntar por su posición en el mundo y las posibilidades de cambiarlo, aunque eso signifique considerar el terrorismo como una posible vía...