Four dedicated housewives - Shivangi, Mansi, Neha, and Sakhina, whose lives revolve only around their husband and family, decide to escape the suffocating routine life by traveling to Goa for a few days to live life on their terms. They have no idea that their vacation will lead to a series of life-changing events.
Armaan, a 25-year old middle-class boy has an ambition of becoming India’s Elon Musk. On the day when the government announces demonetization, Armaan takes on the near-impossible task of laundering 5 crores of “dirty” money in less than 52 days before the banks stop accepting old notes, along with his buddy Soda and a crooked real estate agent, Neha. But soon, hot on his heels are politicians, their minions, and a compulsively punctual dabbawala-turned-cop.
The life of three friends takes a tragic turn due to an inflated electricity bill, which leads to a courtroom drama and social awakening.
Laila is a free-spirited girl from a conservative family who firmly believes in living for the present. Qais, a spoilt brat, falls head over heels in love with her. Their families, however, are warring over property, which leads to self-destruction, pain and bleeding hearts.
An upright Ayurveda practitioner is hounded by big pharma giants for his age-old formula called Vajra Kawach that cures everything from pimples to impotency. But how long can he keep this magic pill only for the poor?
Mita and Raj Batra, an affluent couple from Delhi’s Chandni Chowk, are grappling with getting their daughter admission into an English medium school. But there is one big problem. Their zubaan is Hindi, and the elitist snobs won’t let the Hindi speaking hoi-polloi fit in.
Cuando una mafia de drogas secuestra a un niño de ocho años de edad, su hombre más querido se embarca en una misión con el fin de rescatarlo.
Two blundering terrorists with lofty ideologies, but ordinary talent, on a mission to change the world.