Are women’s colleges a dying breed? In the past forty years over 75% of women’s colleges have closed or merged with their male counterparts. What will or should become of them in the next fifty years? Compelled by her family’s four-generation legacy at Barnard College, Daniella Kahane (BC ’05) explores the relevance of women’s colleges today, specifically through understanding the history of Barnard College and the changing role of women during the twentieth century.
Sarah Boorg
Roy Munson es el nuevo campeón de bolos de Iowa. Tras su primer torneo como profesional, intenta timar a unos incautos, pero las cosas salen mal y pierde una mano. Veinte años después, Roy sobrevive como puede vendiendo suministros en las boleras, pero, un día, conoce a Ismael Boorg, un jugador de bolos amish, y tratará de embaucarlo para ganar dinero.