Storyboard Artist
Después de salir de su cueva, los Croods se encuentran con su mayor amenaza desde que se fueron: otra familia llamada Betterman, quienes afirman y demuestran ser mejores y evolucionados. Grug empieza a sospechar de los padres de Betterman, Phil y Hope, ya que planean en secreto separar a su hija Eep con su amado novio Guy para asegurarse de que su hija Dawn tenga un compañero amoroso e inteligente que la proteja.
Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig’s father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam’s windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.
A scorpion hating scorpion slaying mouse passes out in the desert, and finds himself revisiting his childhood days through a mirage. Our tiny nomad slowly remembers his origins, and what had shaped him the way he is now.
A scorpion hating scorpion slaying mouse passes out in the desert, and finds himself revisiting his childhood days through a mirage. Our tiny nomad slowly remembers his origins, and what had shaped him the way he is now.
Una loba se adentra en la casa del cazador para rescatar a su cachorro. Pero cuando llega allí sólo encuentra un trofeo, ya sin vida.
Una loba se adentra en la casa del cazador para rescatar a su cachorro. Pero cuando llega allí sólo encuentra un trofeo, ya sin vida.
A girl is commissioned to paint over an old concrete illustration, in which to her surprise, sinks into.
She befriends a painted dragon who has a wing missing.
A girl is commissioned to paint over an old concrete illustration, in which to her surprise, sinks into.
She befriends a painted dragon who has a wing missing.
A Short heroic film about a street magician, a professional illusionist, and the mafia.
A Short heroic film about a street magician, a professional illusionist, and the mafia.