The film follows a man who, despite the unusual circumstances,, does his job with great care and love...
The film follows a man who, despite the unusual circumstances,, does his job with great care and love...
Danilo's friend from classroom passed away. Father wants to draw the boy's attention away from the funeral and from his obligations as class president by taking him on a day trip. For the father, protecting his own child from unkind experience as the funeral by going on fishing becomes much more difficult a task than he expected.
Danilo's friend from classroom passed away. Father wants to draw the boy's attention away from the funeral and from his obligations as class president by taking him on a day trip. For the father, protecting his own child from unkind experience as the funeral by going on fishing becomes much more difficult a task than he expected.
The film "Love, Scars" consists of four separate stories about couples who are at the center of a whirlwind of complicated love situations.
Scenario Writer
The film "Love, Scars" consists of four separate stories about couples who are at the center of a whirlwind of complicated love situations.