Katia Sourzac


Natural Born Liar
Production Secretary
Jerome es un mentiroso compulsivo. Su familia y amigos ya no pueden soportar sus mentiras diarias. Sin escuchar lo que le reprochan, Jérôme se hunde más y más en la mentira hasta el día en que una maldición divina le golpea: todas sus mentiras cobran vida. Entonces comienza para él una verdadera pesadilla.
In 1943, Joseph, a Jewish man, was arrested by the Germans in front of his 13-year-old daughter, Suzanne, in the apartment where they were hiding. By abandoning his daughter, Joseph saved her life.
Thinning the Herd
A mysterious confrontation arises as a woman is surprised by a man, waiting in her home.
The Substance
Location Production Assistant
Described as an “explosive, feminist take on body horror.” Premise TBA.