Football star Charlie has the world at her feet. With a top club desperate to sign her, her future is seemingly mapped out. But the teenager sees only a nightmare. Raised as a boy, Charlie is torn between wanting to live up to her father's expectations and shedding this ill fitting skin.
It s Christmas Eve in London, 1974 - and seven lonely people are on the town, looking to grab that elusive slice of enjoyment. So who better to contact than an escort agency- providing high-class ladies and gentlemen for anyone willing to pay the right price. But even in the saucy seventies, things weren t that easy- and our intrepid pleasure seekers have to face everything from inadequacy, rejection and catharsis to racism, violence and grand theft. Just goes to show how lonely a place the throbbing metropolis can be, especially during the holiday season...
En un pasado remoto, los primeros hombres ofrecían sacrificios humanos a los dioses, tratando de descubrir los eternos misterios de la vida. Una chica consigue escapar de una muerte inminente y es rescatada por un guerrero de otra tribu. Su amor los condena al destierro, obligados a enfrentarse a sus semejantes, a los elementos y al impresionante poder de las criaturas prehistóricas.
A group of students pay their way through school by forming a pop band called Toomorrow. Sonic vibrations from a special instrument called a ‘tonaliser’ cause an extraterrestrial to abduct the group, and have them entertain the Alphoid population.