Jack Galloway


A Reel Life
Dick Bird
A screenwriter embarks on a new film script and finds his creation taking on a life of its own. Unable to tell fact from fiction, reality from unreality, he finds his life slowly becoming a film in this dark and surreal comedy drama.
Tercera identidad
Peter Lewis
Años 60. Sally Cauffield (Sharon Stone) es una americana casada con Leo Cauffield (Rupert Everett), un inglés que lleva una doble vida: es periodista y agente de la KGB. Cuando, tras varios años de matrimonio, Leo desaparece, Sally lo busca y cuando lo encuentra se entera de que es un espía cuyo nombre en clave es “El Tercer Hombre”. Basada en hechos reales.
Dirty Weekend
Al poco tiempo de mudarse a su nuevo piso en Brighton, Bella descubre que está siendo espiada por un hombre que vive enfrente. Ella resolverá el problema con un martillo y se dará cuenta de que ha encontrado la solución para sus problemas con los hombres.
Countdown to War
Based on a play, the story details the dramatic negotiations between UK, France, Poland, Nazi-Germany and USSR from the day Czechoslovakia fell, until Britain's declaration of war on Germany caused by Hitler's invasion of Poland.
Didn't You Kill My Brother?
Party Guest
Carl Moss leaves jail,where he has taken the rap for his evil twin Sterling,and has been declared a model prisoner. Pauline Sneek,his probation officer - and girlfriend - gets him community work teaching youngsters how to lead law-abiding lives. This displeases Sterling,as he needs the young delinquents for his bicycle stealing ring.
Up Line
Dan Dare
Three alternative comedians get involved in a pyramid-selling organization, Pathway, in order to finance their act. They gain great success by deploying their skills as entertainers, only to eventually discover the sinister purpose behind the Pathway organization.
Miss Marple: Muerte en la vicaría
Bill Archer
El asesinato del coronel Protheroe es un golpe para la comunidad de St. Mary Mead, aunque apenas desagradable. El Párroco, que había declarado que matar al detestado Protheroe sería un servicio al mundo, y la segunda esposa del coronel, joven y coqueta, podrían ser considerados los sospechosos. ¿Pero qué pasa con el joven amante de la Sra. Prothoroe, el artista Lorenzo Redding? ¿Podrá Jane Marple resolver con su sagacidad este intrincado misterio?
Doctor Who: The Awakening
Joseph Willow
The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough arrive in Little Hodcombe, where the townspeople's re-enactments of English Civil War battles are causing a dormant entity, the Malus, to re-awaken.
Speed King
Leo Villa
Biopic of Malcolm Campbell, detailing his tumultuous life and extreme drive as he attempts to break the world speed records on land and water.
Henry IV Part 1
Henry Bolingbroke has now been crowned King of England, but faces a rebellion headed by the embittered Earl of Northumberland and his son (nicknamed 'Hotspur'). Henry's son Hal, the Prince of Wales, has thrown over life at court in favour of heavy drinking and petty theft in the company of a debauched elderly knight, Sir John Falstaff. Hal must extricate himself from some legal problems, regain his father's good opinions and help suppress the uprising.
The black panther
En Inglaterra, el infame Donald Neilson, conocido como la Pantera Negra, secuestra y asesina a una joven de 17 años de edad.
Un puente lejano
Pvt. Vincent
En septiembre de 1944, alentados por el éxito de la invasión de Normandía, los aliados emprendieron con determinación la operación "Market Garden", un arriesgado plan para poner fin lo antes posible a la guerra, invadiendo Alemania y destruyendo la industria bélica de Hitler. La clave era conquistar varios puentes por los que pasarían las tropas. No obstante, las estrategias en el campo de batalla, combinadas con los errores del servicio de información, la mala suerte y un clima, si cabe, peor, condujeron la operación a un desenlace inesperado.
Young man
With the exception of the poor central heating system, Ray and Penny Burns' newly-purchased country house seems ideal. While repairing the pipes, a handyman digs up the cellar and uncovers the body of the home's previous owner who was murdered twenty years earlier. A séance held in the home reveals something very disturbing.
The General's Day
When Mrs Hinch, the sinister charlady, decides to move in, General Suffolk fights his last battle.