Ralph Nossek

Ralph Nossek

Nacimiento : 1923-01-01, St. George in the East, London, England, UK

Muerte : 2011-12-05


Ralph Nossek


Mi vida en ruinas
Una guía turística griega llamada Georgia intenta recuperar su kefi mientras guia a un grupo variopinto de turistas por Grecia y les muestra la belleza de su tierra natal. En el camino, se las arregla para abrirles los ojos a las maravillas de un país exótico extranjero y ella misma empieza a ver el mundo con otros ojos.
Mrs. Henderson presenta
Leslie Pearkes
Londres, 1937. Una rica e influyente dama que acaba de quedarse viuda (Judi Dench) y que necesita ocupar su tiempo, decide comprar un viejo teatro londinense con la ayuda de un hábil mánager, Vivian Van Damm, un experto del mundo del espectáculo, a quien desconciertan las maneras excéntricas y poco corteses de la señora Henderson. Van Damm llega a prohibirle asistir a los ensayos debido a sus continuas injerencias, pero ella se disfraza para espiarlo. Esta relación de amor-odio producirá una renovación histórica en el teatro británico. La idea de Van Damm de hacer funcionar el teatro todo el día tiene tal éxito que los demás teatros la copian.
The Tichborne Claimant
Workhouse Master
Based on a true story, set in the late 19th century: Lord Tichborne, the ninth richest nobleman in England, disappears after a South American shipwreck. Some years later his erudite Afro-English valet, Bogle, is sent to investigate rumors that Tichborne survived and settled in Australia. An alcoholic ruffian answer's Bogle's inquiries claiming to be the lost heir. Bogle suspects fraud, but conspires with the claimant to split the inheritance should the latter succesfully pass himself off to friends, family and the courts. As the claimant returns to England to continue his charade, enough people confirm his identity to make both the claimant and Bogle believe that he just might be the rightful heir after all.
Ciudadano X
El joven y brillante especialista en medicina forense camarada Bukarov, toma posesión de su cargo y pronto comienza a trabajar en el caso del asesinato de un niño. Sin haber tenido tiempo de examinar el cuerpo, a Bukarov le llegan siete cadáveres más. Tras un estudio concienzudo, comunica a sus superiores que en la zona hay un asesino en serie, y pide medios para detenerlo.
Chicago Joe and the Showgirl
Insp. Tansill
During World War II, an American serviceman in London decides to impress his English girlfriend by acting as an American gangster, which soon turns deadly.
El arcoiris
Adaptación de la novela de D.H. Lawrence. Una mujer joven se ocupa de su a su manera personal de las pruebas y experiencias de la adolescencia y la juventud en la Inglaterra de principios de 1900.
Breakthrough at Reykjavik
Sergei Akhromeyev
Political drama about the Gorbachev-Reagan summit at Reykjavik
T. Dan Smith: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utopia
Home Secretary
An experimental mix of thriller and documentary exploring the scandal centred on the one-time Newcastle Council Leader, aka The Mouth of the Tyne, who was sentenced to six years imprisonment in 1974 for corruption. A dynamic and visionary politician, Smith collaborated closely as Amber unpicked the story of a leftwing group of ex-war resisters who took control of the city council in 1960, the socialist and civic ambitions and the betrayals; the claims of MI5 involvement, of ministerial cover-ups and the unseen role of the Privy Council. With Smith appearing as himself and filmmakers Murray Martin and Steve Trafford as two journalists, the film interrogates the interviews and archive footage, weaving them together with a fictional scandal unfolding on the streets around them…
La sombra del delator
Make-Up Man
Frank Jones, ex combatiente en Corea y actual hombre de negocios, ve como su vida cambia radicalmente al enterarse de la muerte de su hijo Bob, traductor de ruso para los servicios de espionaje británicos. No satisfecho con la versión oficial que le han dado, decide investigar por su cuenta. No descansará hasta averiguar quién asesinó a su hijo.
Interview Official
En un extraño y deprimente universo futurista donde reinan las máquinas, una mosca cae dentro de un ordenador y cambia el apellido del guerrillero Harry Tuttle (Robert de Niro) por el del tranquilo padre de familia Harry Buttle, que es detenido y asesinado por el aparato represor del Estado. El tranquilo burócrata Sam Lowry (Jonathan Pryce) es el encargado de devolver un talón a la familia de la víctima, circunstancia que le permite conocer a Jill Layton (Kim Greist), la mujer de sus sueños. Y, mientras la persigue, hace amistad con Harry Tuttle y se convierte en su cómplice.
Anna Karenina
Cuando el tren de Anna está llegando a Moscú, un trabajador del ferrocarril cae accidentalmente en las vías. Mientras tanto, un amigo de la infancia de Stiva, Konstantín Dmítrievich Lyovin llega a Moscú para proponer matrimonio a la hermana menor de Dolly, Ekaterina Aleksándrovna Shcherbátskaya ("Kitty"). Kitty lo rechaza esperando una oferta de matrimonio del oficial Conde Alekséi Kiríllovich Vronski. Pero a pesar de su interés por Kitty, él no piensa en casarse con ella. Pronto se enamora de Anna, después de conocerla en la estación de tren de Moscú y bailar una mazurca con ella en una fiesta.
Biography of Russian physicist & dissident Andrei Sakharov focuses on his first acts in his civil rights.
Success Is the Best Revenge
Alex Rodak (Michael York) is a Polish director in exile in London with his family, which includes an older teenage son Adam (Michael Lyndon) who is struggling with an identity crisis, his wife (Joanna Szerzerbic), and another son. Rodak is in the throes of putting together a major show about Poland and the politics of exile at a West End theater. His single-minded determination to succeed causes him to take advantage of others, and because of his need for backing, he turns to a low-life businessman (John Hurt) to bail him out. His wife is anything but happy about his behavior and dislikes this last decision even more. This is an interesting study of how a father and son become alienated in a conflict between cultural identity and its exploitation.
Squaring the Circle
An account of how Lech Walesa and the "Solidarity" trade union confronted the might of Communist dictatorship in Poland.
A Pattern of Roses
Mr. Bellinger (The Past)
While his parents are renovating a cottage in an English village, teenager Tim and his friend Rebecca uncover information about the mysterious death of a 15-year-old boy who lived in the house decades prior, and as they dig deeper, Tim begins to find events from the past being mirrored in his own life.
Mr Joseph
In 1945, the Carlions assemble at an English country house for a family gathering. During the event, they must determine who is to take over the family brewing empire, since the present head of the business, Sir Frederick, is getting old. The results of the 1945 general election causes a major stir, and some angry farmers occupy a barn.
Murphy's Stroke
The horse Gay Future is at the centre of an Irish betting syndicate in 1974 which saw trainer Antony Collins present a poor performing horse at his stables. The betting stakes were subsequently raised, before the real horse was entered in the race.
Bert Challenor
Comedians is a TV movie/play by Trevor Griffiths, set in a Manchester evening class for aspiring working-class comedians.
Last Summer
A 1976 play concerning an unemployed school leaver becomes involved with professional car thieves. Part of the ITV Playhouse strand.