Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller

Nacimiento : 1953-11-03, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Dennis Miller is an American stand-up comedian, political commentator, actor, sports commentator, and television and radio personality. He is known for his critical assessments laced with pop culture references. He rose to fame as a cast member of Saturday Night Live in 1985, and subsequently hosted a string of his own talk shows on HBO, CNBC and in syndication. He currently hosts a daily, three-hour, self-titled talk radio program, nationally syndicated by Westwood One. Although in his early years of fame he was perceived to be quite liberal and anti-Republican, in recent years, Miller has become known for his right leaning political opinions. He is a regular political commentator on Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor in a segment called "Miller Time", and previously appeared on the network's Hannity & Colmes in a segment called "Real Free Speech".


Dennis Miller


Jim Carrey: La américa desenmascarada
Self (archive footage)
Jim Carrey dominó el humor caricaturesco en el cine de los 90 alcanzando el salario más alto jamás pagado a una estrella. No solo sus muecas, también sus caricaturas son una crítica social. ¿Pero a quien dirige su sátira?.
Chris Jericho's 30th Anniversary Celebration
This televion special edition of AEW Dynamite celebrated the 30th anniversary of Chris Jericho's professional wrestling debut. Dog Collar match for the TNT title: Brodie Lee vs Cody. Will Hobbs vs Brian Cage. AEW tag champs FTR vs TH2. Jericho & Hager vs Chaos Project.
Dennis Miller: Fake News, Real Jokes
Five-time Emmy award winner Dennis Miller takes on the current climate like no other can in Fake News, Real Jokes! From selfies and airline travel to Trump and journalists, he delivers his signature critical assessments in his low key style that has been deemed by The Hollywood Reporter as "the most cerebral, astute and clever standup ever".
Dennis Miller: Fake News, Real Jokes
Five-time Emmy award winner Dennis Miller takes on the current climate like no other can in Fake News, Real Jokes! From selfies and airline travel to Trump and journalists, he delivers his signature critical assessments in his low key style that has been deemed by The Hollywood Reporter as "the most cerebral, astute and clever standup ever".
Joe Guarro ¡Vaya pringado!
Zander Kelly
Joe Dirt es un feliz hombre de familia que cuando se encuentra transportado al pasado, comienza un épico viaje para intentar volver con sus seres queridos al presente.
Dennis Miller: America 180
Dennis Miller examines the current stat of our Union. From the blunders of President Obama's healthcare initiative, to our wild efforts to save the planet, his take on today's America is both hysterical and painfully right on target.
En campaña todo vale
Dennis Miller
'En campaña todo vale', dirigida por Jay Roach (la saga 'Austin Powers' y 'Los padres de ella'), sigue la competición entre dos políticos de un pequeño distrito de Carolina del Norte por el mismo asiento en el congreso. Los dos oponentes, sumergidos en la batalla electoral, elaborarán sus propias campañas para alcanzar el mismo objetivo: involucrarse y crecer en sus deseos políticos y en el ambiente gubernamental. Una comedia ambientada en el mundo político y electoral estadounidense que sorprenderá al espectador con su original sátira.
Decoding Deepak
Journalist and filmmaker Gotham Chopra spends a year traveling the world decoding his father Deepak Chopra, resolving the "spiritual icon" he is to the world vs. the real man known to his family. What starts as an intimate biopic becomes a deeper plunge into the meaning of identity itself.
Dennis Miller: The Big Speech
Emmy®-Award winning comedian/commentator/actor Dennis Miller returns to HBO for his eighth solo comedy special, an all-new full-length routine featuring Miller’s unique takes on politics, celebrity, and society’s most idiotic foibles. The show will be taped before a packed house at the Irvine Barclay Theatre in Irvine, CA on November 6-7.
Dennis Miller: The HBO Comedy Specials: Disc 2
Dennis Miller fans won't miss a rant with this comprehensive collection of seven of his HBO comedy specials that spans a few of his "Saturday Night Live" years all the way through to 2006. Trace Miller's controversial journey from left to right as he roasts Ronald Reagan in 1988's Mr. Miller Goes to Washington, then takes on global warming, terrorism and the Clintons in 2006's All In. For this Emmy winner, anyone -- and anything -- is fair game. This disc contains the following comedy specials: "Citizen Arcane" and "Millennium Special."
Dennis Miller: The HBO Comedy Specials: Disc 3
Dennis Miller fans won't miss a rant with this comprehensive collection of seven of his HBO comedy specials that spans a few of his "Saturday Night Live" years all the way through to 2006. Trace Miller's controversial journey from left to right as he roasts Ronald Reagan in 1988's Mr. Miller Goes to Washington, then takes on global warming, terrorism and the Clintons in 2006's All In. For this Emmy winner, anyone -- and anything -- is fair game. This disc contains the following comedy specials: "Raw Feed" and "All In."
Dennis Miller: The HBO Comedy Specials: Disc 1
Dennis Miller fans won't miss a rant with this comprehensive collection of seven of his HBO comedy specials that spans a few of his "Saturday Night Live" years all the way through to 2006. Trace Miller's controversial journey from left to right as he roasts Ronald Reagan in 1988's Mr. Miller Goes to Washington, then takes on global warming, terrorism and the Clintons in 2006's All In. For this Emmy winner, anyone -- and anything -- is fair game. This disc contains the following comedy specials: "Mr. Miller Goes to Washington," "Black & White" and "Live from Washington, D.C."
Algo pasa en Las Vegas
Judge Whopper
Al juerguista Jack Fuller le acaba de despedir de la empresa su propio padre. Por otro lado a la atractiva Joy McNally, su novio le ha dejado plantada. Ambos deciden irse a Las Vegas, y allí se conocen en una equivocación de habitaciones de su hotel. Tras irse de fiesta, a la mañana siguiente se despiertan... y descubren que se han casado tras una noche de locura y descontrol. Justo en su primera discusión, Jack gana un jackpot de 3 millones de dólares en una máquina del casino jugando con una moneda de Joy. Ambos intentarán quedarse con el dinero, aunque el amor quizá aparezca en el camino...
Dennis Miller: All In
Executive Producer
One of a kind beats everything
Dennis Miller: All In
One of a kind beats everything
Dennis Miller: All In
One of a kind beats everything
Gracias por fumar
Dennis Miller
Nick Naylor, jefe de prensa de una gran compañía de tabaco, dedica su vida a defender los derechos de los fumadores en medio de la cultura neo-puritana dominante. Enfrentado a grupos de defensa de la salud y a un oportunista senador, Nick pasa a la ofensiva como relaciones públicas del consumo de cigarrillos, pero al mismo tiempo comienza a pensar en la imagen que está dando a su hijo pequeño Joey.
Dennis Miller: The Raw Feed
Executive Producer
From a Chicago stage, Dennis Miller rips issues du jour to shreds.
Dennis Miller: The Raw Feed
From a Chicago stage, Dennis Miller rips issues du jour to shreds.
Dennis Miller: The Raw Feed
From a Chicago stage, Dennis Miller rips issues du jour to shreds.
La sucia historia de Joe Guarro
Zander Kelly
Joe Dirt es un inocente conserje de extraño peinado y jeans deslavados que aún tiene la esperanza de encontrar a sus padres, a quienes perdió cuando tenía ocho años en una visita al Gran Cañón. Durante su búsqueda, un locutor de radio lo invita a su programa para burlarse de él, sin sospechar que sus ordinarias aventuras serán la delicia de la audiencia
Dennis Miller: The Millennium Special
Dennis Miller sends up some of the events of the last 1,000 years.
Dennis Miller: The Millennium Special
Dennis Miller sends up some of the events of the last 1,000 years.
Saturday Night Live: A Tribute to Chris Farley
Chris Farley was one of the most popular comedians of the 1990s, thanks to his hilarious skits on "Saturday Night Live," which featured Matt Foley, everyone's favorite motivational speaker, the Chippendales dancer (alongside Patrick Swayze) and more. This program pays proper homage to Farley, who was an "SNL" cast member starting in the spring of 1990, with numerous clips and exclusive backstage footage.
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Phil Hartman
Self / Various Characters
Classic Saturday Night Live skits featuring the hilarious Phil Hartman.
Sam Kinison: Why Did We Laugh?
For fans of comedy, Sam Kinison needs no introduction. His scathing comedy tackled tough topics no other comedian dared to touch. Fed up and disenfranchised with his career as a Pentacostal preacher, Sam left the ministry to try his hand at comedy. Almost immediately, and thanks in part to the foresight of Rodney Dangerfield who showcased Sam on an HBO special, his piercing scream, extreme humor and irreverent take on life attracted attention. Containing rare, early footage of Sam preaching and performing stand up at the world famous Comedy Store, the Award Winning "Why Did We Laugh" tells the story of a comedic genius who touched a deeper chord in people than most entertainers. Sadly, Sam was taken from us far too early, yet leaving us with a lasting and unique legacy.
Asesinato en la Casa Blanca
Detective Steve Stengel
Una joven funcionaria aparece asesinada en la Casa Blanca. De la investigación se encarga el detective de homicidios de la policía de Washington D.C. Harlan Regis (Wesley Snipes). El caso no es fácil, pero es que además los miembros del servicio secreto no parecen dispuestos a colaborar; es más: siembran su camino de obstáculos y pistas falsas. Sólo la agente Nina Chance (Diane Lane) se decide a ayudarlo. Mientras tanto, el Presidente debe resolver una crisis con Corea del Norte, que retiene como rehenes a un grupo de americanos.
El club de los vampiros
Rafe Guttman
En una expedición por Tierra de Fuego es devuelta a la vida la poderosa vampiresa Lilith (Angie Everhart), reina de la lujuria. Ya en los EEUU regenta un burdel clandestino con un mortuorio como tapadera. Con todas las chicas del local convertidas en vampiras es fácil conseguir alimento y dinero. Tras la desaparición de su hermano, Katherine (Erika Eleniak), chica muy beata que trabaja para un telepredicador, no tendrá otro remedio que contratar a un detective privado. Éste descubrirá todo el tinglado, y no parará hasta acabar con todos los chupasangres.
Dennis Miller: Citizen Arcane
Dennis Miller performs live.
Dennis Miller: Citizen Arcane
Dennis Miller performs live.
Nunca hables con extraños
Cliff Raddison
Sarah es una psicóloga que está trabajando en la evaluación psicológica de un supuesto asesino en serie que intenta evitar un juicio. Un día, Sarah conoce a un misterioso hombre en un supermercado que le seducirá. Se trata de Tony, un ex policía con un pasado oscuro. A partir de este momento, la psicóloga empieza a recibir amenazas por parte de un acosador anónimo.
La red
Dr. Alan Champion
El primer día de sus vacaciones, una programadora de ordenadores recibe un extraño disquet para que lo investigue. Se lo guarda y descubre que posee una clave para acceder al control de las bases de datos protegidas de Estados Unidos. A la vez ve cómo todos los datos de su vida que figuran en archivos informáticos son suprimidos o tergiversados. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dennis Miller: Live From Washington D.C. - They Shoot HBO Specials, Don't They?
Dennis Miller has the brains to make great stand-up (even though most think he is a talk show host) and this proves this. In fact, this was filmed right before Miller got Miller Live. Funny stuff as he talks about the new president, his kid, and other random rants. Not his definite best, but he isn't terrible. Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong, and the balcony is now closed.
Dennis Miller: Live From Washington D.C. - They Shoot HBO Specials, Don't They?
Dennis Miller has the brains to make great stand-up (even though most think he is a talk show host) and this proves this. In fact, this was filmed right before Miller got Miller Live. Funny stuff as he talks about the new president, his kid, and other random rants. Not his definite best, but he isn't terrible. Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong, and the balcony is now closed.
But... Seriously
Himself (archive footage)
A documentary juxtaposing the events of the 20th century with the commentary of stand-up comedians.
Mark Lewyn
Tom Sanders es un maduro y atractivo ejecutivo que trabaja en una empresa de alta tecnología y que está a punto de ser ascendido. Sin embargo, en una semana crucial para su vida, verá sus aspiraciones rotas cuando, en lugar de él, es nombrada para el puesto Meredith Jonson, una antigua novia suya que ahora es una ambiciosa ejecutiva.
Dennis Miller: Black and White
Dennis Miller does a standup routine in Tempe, AZ which is filmed entirely in black and white.
Dennis Miller: Black and White
Dennis Miller does a standup routine in Tempe, AZ which is filmed entirely in black and white.
The Earth Day Special
Weekend Update Anchor
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
Qué suerte... llegaron los parientes
Mark y Jessie Bannister son un feliz matrimonio de Los Ángeles. Ambos tienen unos buenos puestos de trabajo y acaban de adquirir una confortable casa, situada en un lujoso barrio. Su apacible existencia, en cambio, se verá alterada cuando Mark abre el correo y ve con estupor que su primo Fred y su esposa Bernice tienen pensado ir a pasar unas vacaciones con ellos. Fred solía ser un tipo bastante salvaje y ahora que se encuentra sin trabajo carece de autoestima, a causa del carácter dominante de su mujer. Con la llegada de sus parientes la vida de ensueño de Mark y Jessie se convierte en una terrible pesadilla.
Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary
Un especial de televisión que celebra el 15º aniversario de Saturday Night Live. Antes de una audiencia de celebridades, muchos de los antiguos miembros del elenco y presentadores invitados vuelven a realizar sus monólogos característicos y presentan una mirada retrospectiva a algunas de las mejores parodias cómicas y números musicales de los últimos 15 años.
Mr. Miller Goes to Washington
Dennis Miller performs live in Washington DC.
Mr. Miller Goes to Washington
Dennis Miller performs live in Washington DC.