Kartik Chatterjee


Las aventuras de Goopy y Bagha
Court singer at Shundi / visitor to Halla
Dos chicos aspiran, cada uno por su lado, a ser artistas: Goopy desea ser cantante y Bagha quiere tocar el tambor dhol. Ambos se conocen en la jungla, cuando el rey del pueblo los expulsa. Vagando por la jungla encuentran al rey de los fantasmas, que les concede tres favores: poder conseguir siempre comida, tener libertad para ir a cualquier parte y la posibilidad de convertirse en músicos expertos capaces de hechizar a todo el mundo. Cuando los chicos oyen hablar de un concurso de música en el reino de Shundi, se dirigen allí para probar sus poderes.
Two Generations
Assistant Director
One of the early films of Chhabi Biswas featuring him as a leading man, before he came to be associated with the dominating patriarch roles that have become iconic in Bengali cinema, the film is a tale of the love, relationships and ideals of two generations. Nutubihari is an idealist who has given up his love for Kalyani for the sake of his beliefs. He marries Bimala and becomes a lawyer, fighting for the rights of the poor against the feudal lords. Meanwhile, Kalyani comes to ask refuge after she becomes a widow and is inexplicably accepted by Bimala with a lot of warmth. As the years pass Kalyani's daughter Mamata and Nutu's oldest son Arun fall in love and wish to get married. However, the new-found fame and fortune turns his head and Nutu begins to resemble all the ideals and vices that he had always despised. On the other hand in an ironical turn of events, Arun comes to occupy the position once held by his father, highlighting the generational conflict of ideals.