Sanin Milavić

Sanin Milavić


Sanin Milavić


The White Fortress
Mona's Driver
What could be a beautiful fairy tale for some - boy meets girl - could also be the beginning of a horror film for Faruk. The young man is crushed between the dark world of his criminal cousins in Sarajevo and the discovery of love. The film powerfully visualises and contrasts a harshness and tenderness experienced and dreamed.
Not So Friendly Neighborhood Affair
Set in Sarajevo in May 2021, the city's famous Old Town tries to recover after a difficult pandemic year. When a visitor from Zagreb comes looking for the best kebabs in town, a harmless gesture causes the disintegration of the business and private lives of several people.
Regained Memory
Mladi Miro
Widower Amir searches for memories of his wife. Diving into the past, he forgets he also has responsibilities towards his young daughter.
Alex y Selma viajan al corazón de Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sin embargo, su coche se para en medio del bosque. Mientras buscan ayuda, Selma, que sobrevivió a la Guerra de los Balcanes, empieza a sospechar que no andan solos, sino que una fuerza misteriosa les acompaña. Ella se aferra a su amuleto, pero lo que debería protegerla no hará más que invitar a la extraña presencia a que emerja del bosque.
Fudo is a drug addict who decides to quit heroin and reconcile with his mother after his best friend dies. However, people continue to perceive him as an addict and refuse to believe he has really changed. Estranged from the people around him and tortured by feelings of guilt over his best friend's death, Fudo is at risk of returning to his old life.