Sabine Lorenz

Nacimiento : 1972-08-16, Mainz, Germany


Laible und Frisch - Do goht dr Doig
Kassandra von Ohndorf
Mara y el señor del fuego
Frau Stapler-Weizgau
Mara Lorbeer es una joven de quince años que descubre que tiene poderes sobrenaturales y puede viajar en el tiempo, pero necesita buscar respuestas. ¿Por qué tiene esas extrañas habilidades? Un conocido profesor intenta ayudar a Mara y se sorprenden al descubrir que deben salvar el mundo antes de que el malvado dios nórdico Loki se libere de sus cadenas.
Matrimonio sobre ruedas
Jutta es una ajetreada empresaria que por fin tiene unos días libres para viajar con su marido Bruno, y realizar una romántica ruta en bicicleta por los Alpes deteniéndose en idílicos hoteles. Los dos tienen que hacerse una confesión el uno al otro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Von Mäusen und Lügen
Dr. Sabine Ullmann
The ENT doctor dr. Arnold Fischer, called Arnie, always tries to please everyone. His friend and colleague Gregor is quite different: Purposeful and enterprising, he thinks especially of his own progress. Together, they want to expand the practice to a state-of-the-art tinnitus center. For this they need the neighboring apartment, but lives in the Mathilda, in which the shy Arnie is secretly in love. He does not have the heart to show Mathilda out of the apartment. And so Gregor tries with not always fine methods to get rid of the unpleasant tenant - which ends in a complete disaster ...
Adam Meets Eve
E-mail Express
Sabine Krappweis
Sebastian, the creative head of an advertising agency, has just finished a long night and wants to delight his lover with an intimate e-mail. So takes a photo of his best 'piece'. But with a wrong mouse-click posts it to his whole company, with no way to stop it! So do his colleagues also believe that size matters?
Ein Mann, der sterben muß
Ulrike Hjolund
Im Spannungsfeld
Electronic data processing is an absolute must in the Information Age. Karl Hoppe, the director of a large plant, is aware of this need for modernization and hires mathematician Dr. Jochen Bernhardt to install computerized systems which are supposed to calculate ways in which the plant could be run more effectively. Dr. Bernhardt is so focused on efficiency that he forgets about the human side of work, causing his girlfriend to leave him and several dissatisfied employees to quit their jobs.