Space pirates, led by diabolical Colonel Fraser, take over a cargo ship carrying anti-matter explosive and an important official. Space marines, led by Captain Gray, must stop their evil plans.
Jim Stanton lucha por recuperar su memoria, sin saber en quién confiar, ni siquiera sabiendo de qué lado está luchando.
A wealthy businessman is trying to "convince" the inhabitants of an old neighborhood to abandon their homes in order to build a huge business center there. To achieve his goals, he bribes the police and uses organized bands to intimidate the neighbors. But perhaps this alcoholic ex-cop, Manning, could help them, but how?
Para Eric Kulhane, miembro del equipo de kickboxing estadounidense, convertirse en el campeón del mundo era un honor y su mayor deseo. Al llegar a Las Vegas, sede de la competición mundial, Eric conoce a su mas peligroso rival, el chino Hong Do, con quien se pelea en una bolera, calentando así el enfrentamiento más de la cuenta.