Tonea Stewart

Tonea Stewart

Nacimiento : 1947-02-03, Greenwood, Mississippi, USA


Tonea Stewart


Black Adam
Wizard #7
Casi 5.000 años después de haber sido dotado de los poderes omnipotentes de los antiguos dioses y encarcelado con la misma rapidez, Black Adam es liberado de su tumba terrenal, listo para desatar su forma única de justicia en el mundo moderno.
Doretha's Blues
Doretha goes out for her evening drink at her local watering hole when a news story dredges up old memories.
First Christmas
Given up for adoption and placed in foster care at a young age, writer Halle Downing receives the blessing of a lifetime when she is invited to spend Christmas in New Orleans with the biological family she never knew she had.
Cuestión de justicia
Mrs. Coleman (uncredited)
Cuenta la historia real del joven abogado Bryan Stevenson y de su histórica batalla por la justicia. Después de licenciarse en Harvard, Bryan recibe ofertas de trabajo muy lucrativas. Pero él prefiere poner rumbo a Alabama para defender a personas que han sido condenadas erróneamente o que carecían de recursos para tener una representación legal adecuada, y lo hace con el apoyo de la activista local Eva Ansley. Uno de sus primeros y más turbulentos casos es el de Walter McMillian, que en 1987 fue sentenciado a la pena muerte por el asesinato de una chica de 18 años, a pesar de que las pruebas demostraban ostensiblemente su inocencia. En los años posteriores, Bryan se ve envuelto en un laberinto de maniobras legales y políticas y de un racismo abierto y descarado mientras lucha por Walter y otros como él, a pesar de tenerlo todo en su contra, incluido el sistema legal.
The Golden Voices
Dean Vickie Wilson
"Golden Voices Competition" is to be held this year at Terrell Christian College (TCC), but there's one problem TCC does not have a choir. Georgia Mae Jackson (Irma P. Hall) who is the head of the music department has been challenged by the Assistant Dean Vickie Wilson (Tonea Stewart), to put a choir together in one month or lose her job. Georgia's back goes out so she tricks her granddaughter, Sidney Nicole Taylor (Nikki Dixon) into taking over the choir for her. Sidney turns the college upside down when she hires a fallen, bad boy, R&B singer, Jax Rebel (Mario Mims), to help her with the choir. Dean Wilson finds out about Jax's sorted past and threatens to fire Georgia if they don't win the competition. Will, Sidney and Jax be able to save Georgia's job?
Come Sunday
Lillie Ruth Pearson
El evangelista Carlton Pearson es expulsado de su iglesia por predicar que no existe el infierno. Su revelación crea controversia y lo pierde todo. Poco a poco tendrá que reconstruir su vida y encontrar su propia fe.
Uno tan diferente como yo
Big Mama
El marchante de arte internacional Ron Hall debe hacerse amigo de un peligroso vagabundo para salvar su matrimonio en dificultades con su esposa, una mujer cuyos sueños los llevarán a los tres en el camino de sus vidas.
Plan de chicas
Aunt Marian
Cuatro amigas de la universidad lo dan todo durante un viaje (con mucho alcohol) para ir juntas al Festival Essence de Nueva Orleans, que pondrá a prueba su amistad.
Los Hollar
Krasinski dirige y protagoniza esta película sobre un aspirante a artista de Nueva York, que decide regresar a su pueblo natal junto a su novia para la operación de cirugía cerebral que va a sufrir su madre. Allí tendrá que volver a enfrentarse a aquella vida que dejó detrás, con su familia disfuncional, sus compañeros de instituto, su padre y el desbordante descontrol reinante antes de la operación.
American Hero
Melvin, a reluctant hero who is far from super, has been suppressing his telekinetic powers for years with booze, drugs, and women. In the process, he has failed at practically everything, most of all as a parent to his son. After a brush with death, Melvin decides to use his powers for good and clean up the streets of New Orleans with the help of his best friend/definitely-not-a-sidekick, Lucille. For a man who can do the impossible, it might be a fight even he can’t win.
El caso de Calvin Willis
Ms. Newton
Janet Gregory, madre soltera con un pasado inquietante, es una asistente legal que lucha por superar las dudas sobre Calvin Willis, un esposo y padre afro-americano injustamente acusado de violar a una chica del barrio. Convencida de su inocencia, Janet acepta pro bono el caso de Calvin, una batalla dramática y tormentosa de 22 años con el sistema de justicia que finalmente redimirá a un hombre injustamente acusado y consolidará una amistad para toda la vida.
Have Dreams, Will Travel
Elderly Woman
Años 60. En el oeste de Texas, vive Ben (Cayden Boyd), un niño de 12 años desatendido por sus padres. Su madre (Lara Flynn Boyle) está obsesionada por las estrellas de Hollywood y todas las tardes va al cine, mientras que su padre (Matthew Modine) pasa su tiempo libre construyendo un barco. Una noche, hay un accidente de coche delante de la casa de Ben, en el que sólo la joven Cassie (AnnaSophia Robb) sobrevive. Los padres de Ben cuidan a Cassie durante su recuperación, ya que se rompió un brazo en el accidente. Durante ese tiempo Ben y Cassie se hacen amigos íntimos. Ambos viajaran hasta Baltimore, donde viven los liberales tíos de Cassie, haciendo autostop, viviendo así una gran aventura que marcará sus vidas
Constellation chronicles the lives and loves of an African-American family in the deep South as they are forced to come to terms with a tumultuous past marked by an unrequited interracial affair. The film explores the way in which the family patriarch must confront his demons amidst the changing racial fabric of society and his own family.
Hood Rat
Vetta Taylor
Cuando las ratas invaden un pueblo, la gente se ve obligada a luchar por sus vidas y a matarlas.
Alabama Love Story
A broken down ex-rodeo cowboy, Roper, is down on his luck. He has three weeks to pay three months rent when he reads about the couple of the year in the newspaper, and decides to kidnap the wife, Goodwina for ransom. Goodie is the sweetest country girl ever, and she married a country boy, only to have him change into a city politician who is sleeping with his assistant. He mocks her for her country ways. After Roper kidnaps Goodie, They initially hate each other (understandably so), but when Roper calls in for a ransom, her husband tells him that he doesn't want her back.
The Rosa Parks Story
Johnnie Carr
A seamstress recalls events leading to her act of peaceful defiance that prompted the 1955 bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama.
Tiempo de matar
Gwen Hailey
En una tranquila localidad sureña de Mississippi dos jóvenes borrachos violan salvajemente a una niña negra de diez años. La mayoría blanca de la ciudad se muestra horrorizada ante tan atroz crimen. Carl Lee, el padre de la niña, armado con un rifle de asalto, decide tomarse la justicia por su mano y mata a los violadores de su hija. Mientras la tensión va creciendo y reaparecen en las calles las cruces ardiendo del Ku Klux Klan, Jake Brigance, un joven abogado blanco, hará todo lo posible por salvar la vida de Carl Lee y proteger la suya.
La hermanastra
Un hombre finalmente conoce a su nuera por primera vez cuando su hijo muere trágicamente. A él y al resto de la familia les agrada, pero tiene un secreto mortal.
Rae Ellen
After a long search, lawyer Clarke MacGruder finally locates his long lost father Jack. At first, everything seems fine with his new extended family, until the two set off on a hunting trip, where Jack starts showing a rather violent streak to his nature.
One Christmas
Based on Truman Capote's bittersweet tale of a young boy's adventures with the father he's never known in New Orleans in the 1930s..
Leave of Absence
Cora Winsor
A man asks his wife for a 'leave of absence' in order to care for his mistress who is dying of cancer.
A Passion for Justice: The Hazel Brannon Smith Story
The story of Hazel Brannon Smith, a Southern newspaper publisher who risked the loss of everything she loved by defying the bigotry of her neighbors in the 1950s.
Body Snatchers (Secuestradores de cuerpos)
En una base militar, una familia observa cómo sus vecinos y amigos se comportan de una manera extraña. Poco a poco, se verán inmersos en una terrible pesadilla de la que no podrán escapar.
Arde Mississippi
Mrs. Walker
En 1964, en un pueblo sureño, donde el racismo está profundamente arraigado y el Ku Klux Klan sigue celebrando sus ritos y reuniones, tres activistas defensores de los derechos humanos desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Dos agentes del FBI, de caracteres muy diferentes, se harán cargo de la investigación. Allí chocarán con un comisario racista.
Aunt Charity
18-year-old John Dakota is running from his past: his hateful father blames him for the tragic death of his brother. On his own now, Dakota winds up in trouble in a small Texas town and finds work at the Diamond Thoroughbred Horse Ranch. Although out of his element, he begins to build a life for himself. He comes to know the Lechners: Walt, a horseman of unexpected wisdom; Molly, a spirited and independent girl who captures Dakota's heart; and Casey, a persistent 12-year-old boy who stirs memories he would rather ignore. When his past inexorably catches up with him, Dakota must choose to keep on running, or face his enemies with the beautiful woman he has come to love.
Mistress of Paradise
Sister Sarah
In the 19th century, a wealthy Northern woman marries a Louisiana plantation owner and then becomes suspicious about his first wife's death.
Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy
Mama Paige
The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Based on writer Maya Angelou's eloquent reminiscences of her days as a gifted youngster growing up in the South during the Depression years where she and her older brother were raised by their grandmother after the divorce of their parents.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Mrs. Avery
1978 movie starring Morgan Freeman. This movie is the shortened version that was released from the original 3 part mini series back in 1978.