This drama documentary tells the story of the Conservative Party's 2016 leadership campaign - how Boris Johnson, having won the referendum and in pole position to be the next PM, handed victory to Theresa May. Based on extensive research and first-person testimonies, this dramatized narrative goes beyond the headlines to lay bare the politicking and positioning, betrayals and blunders of this extraordinary political time. The programme also features key interviews with people who were intimately involved in the campaigns of the main contenders.
DC Els
A murder, a motive, and a prime suspect cannot be kept a secret forever.
Mary Magdalene
Las enseñanzas de Jesús de Nazaret dieron lugar a una nueva religión, que en la actualidad profesan más de dos billones de cristianos. La vida de Jesucristo está llena de hechos inexplicables e inesperados, de incidentes y detalles que siguen sin respuesta más de 2.000 años después a pesar de la incansable búsqueda para descubrir cada aspecto de su vida.
Four people whose lives have come to a standstill.