Jack, an aging hedge fund CEO, hesitantly acquiesces when Ruby, his wife of 25 years, suggests they check out an open love party. Thrust into a new world, he is surprised to uncover the intimacy he actually desires.
Assistant Director
In 1948 the James Agee wrote a scenario for his lifelong hero, Charlie Chaplin. Deeply disturbed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Agee imagined New York destroyed. In the ruins, Chaplin's Little Tramp builds a shack in Central Park. Gradually a small community of the dispossessed grows up around him. For Agee, his story was a thought experiment about how one might start again in the aftermath of disaster, to go beyond capitalism and just how hard that is in the face of our modern technological world. The film focuses on his imaginative journey and what it might mean for us today.
Line Producer
In 1948 the James Agee wrote a scenario for his lifelong hero, Charlie Chaplin. Deeply disturbed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Agee imagined New York destroyed. In the ruins, Chaplin's Little Tramp builds a shack in Central Park. Gradually a small community of the dispossessed grows up around him. For Agee, his story was a thought experiment about how one might start again in the aftermath of disaster, to go beyond capitalism and just how hard that is in the face of our modern technological world. The film focuses on his imaginative journey and what it might mean for us today.
What happens to friendship when a shared dream is abandoned? Gaining and Losing explores a friendship torn apart when a young dancer combats an eating disorder and her talented friend can't understand.
What happens to friendship when a shared dream is abandoned? Gaining and Losing explores a friendship torn apart when a young dancer combats an eating disorder and her talented friend can't understand.
After fleeing Earth in the late 80s, an alien returns to his childhood home in search of his best friend. As he gets closer to finding her, his mysterious past gets closer to catching him.
Associate Producer
After fleeing Earth in the late 80s, an alien returns to his childhood home in search of his best friend. As he gets closer to finding her, his mysterious past gets closer to catching him.
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
After witnessing a violent crime, Elizabeth faces a dilemma, to bury what she knows or speak out. In the days that follow Elizabeth struggles to come to terms with the burden of responsibility and new challenges at work.
When 20-something-year-old Tanya begins to realize she’s asexual, the highly charged sexualized world she lives in as an actress and partner begins to fall apart and feels more and more like an unbearable nightmare.
When 20-something-year-old Tanya begins to realize she’s asexual, the highly charged sexualized world she lives in as an actress and partner begins to fall apart and feels more and more like an unbearable nightmare.
When 20-something-year-old Tanya begins to realize she’s asexual, the highly charged sexualized world she lives in as an actress and partner begins to fall apart and feels more and more like an unbearable nightmare.
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.
In a near future where sexual assault is legal and predators roam the streets, Viola decides to take matters into her own very capable hands.
In a near future where sexual assault is legal and predators roam the streets, Viola decides to take matters into her own very capable hands.
When a fired up liberal lesbian accidentally brings home a gorgeous conservative woman she must decide whether lust or murder will win the night.
When a fired up liberal lesbian accidentally brings home a gorgeous conservative woman she must decide whether lust or murder will win the night.
Executive Producer
CHRISSIE y CECE juegan un juego con desconocidos para poner un techo sobre sus cabezas mientras fantasean sobre el departamento de sus sueños. Cuando Chrissie conoce a DAVID, un chico divertido y genuino que se abre camino en su corazón, se enamora de él y debe decidir si confesar las circunstancias reales de su vida o continuar su mentira a toda costa. Incluso a costa de la vida de alguien.
CHRISSIE y CECE juegan un juego con desconocidos para poner un techo sobre sus cabezas mientras fantasean sobre el departamento de sus sueños. Cuando Chrissie conoce a DAVID, un chico divertido y genuino que se abre camino en su corazón, se enamora de él y debe decidir si confesar las circunstancias reales de su vida o continuar su mentira a toda costa. Incluso a costa de la vida de alguien.
CHRISSIE y CECE juegan un juego con desconocidos para poner un techo sobre sus cabezas mientras fantasean sobre el departamento de sus sueños. Cuando Chrissie conoce a DAVID, un chico divertido y genuino que se abre camino en su corazón, se enamora de él y debe decidir si confesar las circunstancias reales de su vida o continuar su mentira a toda costa. Incluso a costa de la vida de alguien.
Associate Producer
What happens when you secretly pay someone to romance your Mom?
A spoiled young man on the brink of adult hood has trouble calming the anxious voices in his head. He deals with them by spoiling himself even more.
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
Murder, childhood, and making choices that lead to self-betterment.
Young Girl
La pasión por la música lleva a Gretta y a Dave, novios desde el instituto, hasta Nueva York. Pero cuando él, una vez alcanzado el éxito y la fama, la abandona, ella se queda completamente desolada. Una noche, un productor de discos recién despedido, la ve actuar en un bar de Manhattan y queda cautivado por su talento.
Prostitute (uncredited)
Chris Pierzynski ha cumplido una condena de varios años en prisión por haber participado en un ajuste de cuentas. Su hermano pequeño Frank, agente de policía con un prometedor futuro por delante, lo espera con reticencia a la salida de la cárcel. Chris y Frank siempre han tenido sus más y sus menos. Su padre, única persona que los crió, siempre ha estado más del lado de Chris, a pesar de los problemas y de Frank. Sin embargo, sus lazos de sangre los unen y, por ello, Frank da una oportunidad a su hermano: lo aloja, le encuentra un trabajo, le ayuda a retomar el contacto con sus hijos y su ex mujer. Chris conoce a Natalie, que encarna la esperanza de emprender una nueva vida, pero pronto su pasado llamará otra vez a su puerta y Chris volverá a tomar la senda del crimen. Remake del largometraje francés "Liens de sang" de Jacques Maillot.
Middling Shooting Guard
Bill (Sam Rockwell), un entrenador venido a menos, tendrá la oportunidad de redimirse cuando le propongan hacerse cargo del equipo de baloncesto femenino de un instituto. Allí entablara amistad con Abby (Emma Roberts), una de las jugadoras.