Zineb Triki

Zineb Triki

Nacimiento : 1980-01-01, Marocco


Zineb Triki (born 1980) is a French actress of Moroccan descent, known for her role as Nadia El Mansour in the French television series The Bureau. Zineb Triki was born in 1980 in Morocco. She attended a French school, where she took up theatre and classical dance. She moved to Paris at the age of 15 to attend high school. She obtained a degree in political science from McGill University in Canada. She did an internship in UN headquarters in NY in 2003. She obtained a master's degree in political science from the Sorbonne University in Paris, then obtained another master's degree in audio-visual production in Paris. Triki began her acting career in earnest from 2009, with short roles in 14h05 and The Misadventures of Franck and Martha. Her first film roles were in Deux fenêtres in 2013 and La Marche verte (2016). It was the TV series The Bureau that brought her to prominence with her role of Nadia El Mansour. Her performance as Nassim's mother in the 2017 film De toutes mes forces was described as "luminous, in this short and difficult role". Source: Article "Zineb Triki" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Zineb Triki
Zineb Triki


À nos âges
At sixty years old, two friends in financial difficulties are going to take advantage of their image in the fashion and advertising world. One is still beautiful, the other never was. But beyond the game of appearances, what does it really mean to be of retirement age today?
Women of Virtue
Etel, a 9-year-old girl who lives in the Hassidic community in Paris, gets her period for the first time. Myriam, her mother, finally looks at her as if she were a woman. Etel is blessed, until she finds out that in her religion, women are considered impure when they have their period.
Gabriel refuses to obey a prefectural decree which requires him to treat his vineyard with pesticides. As an advocate of biodynamic principles, he opposes the use of chemical products on vines.
Lo mejor está por llegar
Randa Ameziane
Arthur Dreyfus (Fabrice Luchini) y César Montesiho (Patrick Bruel) son dos amigos de la infancia que hacen frente a la vida de manera totalmente opuesta. Arthur es un reputado investigador y docente universitario divorciado y con una hija adolescente (Marie Narbonne) con quien le cuesta comunicarse. Por su parte, César sigue soltero a sus cincuenta años y su solvencia económica está siempre al límite. En el día en el que tiene que hacer frente a una deuda con todas sus posesiones, cae accidentalmente por la ventana, lastimándose la espalda. Arthur es el encargado de llevarle al hospital para que comprueben que se ha dañado, prestándole sus papeles. Semanas después, Arthur recibe una llamada del hospital informando de que tiene cáncer de pulmón terminal; pero no son sus análisis los que han recibido, si no los de César con los documentos médicos de Arthur. Incapaz de contarle la dura verdad, Arthur lidia con su amigo mientras le cuida pensando que el moribundo es su amigo, no él.
Lucha de clases
Mother of Inès and Nawel
Sofía y Paul se mudan a una pequeña casa a las afueras. Ella es una brillante abogada de origen magrebí que creció en una ciudad cercana. Él es batería de punk rock y anarquista de corazón. Como todos los padres, quieren lo mejor para su hijo Corentin, un alumno de Jean Jaurès, la escuela primaria local. Pero cuando todos sus amigos abandonan la escuela pública por la institución católica San Benito, Corentin se siente solo. En la encrucijada entre sus valores y sus ansiedades paternales, Sofía y Paul verán su pareja sometida a prueba por la "lucha de clases"
El buen maestro
François Foucault, de cuarenta años, es profesor de literatura en el prestigioso instituto de París, Henri IV. Una serie de circunstancias le obligan a dejar su puesto y a aceptar una plaza en un instituto del extrarradio de la ciudad, en una zona conflictiva. François se teme lo peor.
De toutes mes forces
Mère de Nassim
Nassim, a 16-year-old boy, is placed with a family in the suburbs following the death of his drug addict mother. But he refuses to integrate into the social setting that surrounds him. He invents another life for himself, similar to that of his mates at the big Parisian high school he goes to. There’s no reason for that to change. His two lives, his home life and his school life, must be kept separate at all costs.