Ivan Craig


Back in London after serving time, an ex-convict learns that his wife is not willing to return to him. He plans to crack a safe at a club.
Atraco en las nubes
British Officer
Adaptación de una novela de Max Cotto. Terminada la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Joe Lawrence (Richard Widmark), un oficial americano, se instala en Berlín y se enamora de Maria, una refugiada (Mai Zetterling). El objetivo de ella es ahorrar suficiente dinero para llevar a Sudámerica a un grupo de huérfanos alemanes y proporcionarles una vida mejor. Joe, movido por la compasión y por el amor que siente hacia ella, tratará de ayudarla. Para ello, él y dos amigos planean el robo de una gran fortuna en oro que el ejército va a trasladar en avión desde Inglaterra a Alemania.
The editor of a magazine falls in love with the publisher's daughter. The only trouble is that the publisher's wife quite fancies him as well. Then he's accused of embezzling funds.
The Devil’s Jest
Maj. Seton
An aristocratic widow discovers that her former lover, a medical officer in the British army, is secretly a German spy.
Los arqueros del rey
Merrie Man
Para conquistar a Lady Marian el joven Robin Hood competirá en un torneo de arqueros junto a su padre. De regreso a casa, serán atacados, y su apdre será asesinado a manos de los hombres del Príncipe John. Pero el crimen le será atribuido a Robin y se convertirá en un proscrito en el bosque de Sherwood.
Girdle of Gold
Hotel Detective
The adulterous Mrs Griffiths' corset has, unbeknown to her, a fortune stashed in it by her drunken, money-loving husband.
The Six Men
The ‘Six Men’ are a gang of six criminals that Scotland Yard is unable to pin a charge against even though they are positive of the identities.
Calling Bulldog Drummond
Air Traffic Controller (uncredited)
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
A Matter of Murder
An embezzler is implicated in his girlfriend’s murder.
Box for One
A London "spiv" enters an outdoor telephone booth. He dials a number and asks if there's a message for him. As he goes to leave, the phone rings - it is a girl who is trying to find her boyfriend and has the wrong number. The spiv is on the run from gangsters and is looking for help. He tries various people but they reject him. Eventually the gangsters catch up with him.