Reginald de Guillebon


Eloïse's Journey
Eloïse is sitting alone on a bench in Paris. She can't remember who she is, where she comes from or how did she get here. So, she begins a funny investigation on her life. This amnesia might help her finding love and reinventing her life.
Theo la torre de agua
Executive Producer
Todas las mañanas, Theo, la torre-depósito de agua, se pone a llorar, perturbando la tranquilidad del pueblo. Robert y su perro intentan animarlo con una canción. Pero a Theo no le apetece cantar e intenta escapar, lo que les llevará a los tres hasta la ciudad.
Delegated Producer
Vanille is a little Parisian girl who has just arrived in Guadeloupe. She will be immersed in an exotic and mysterious adventure, meeting picturesque characters and magical flowers, all embellished with a touch of Creole. These holidays promise to be rich and full of surprises!
Kiko and the Animals
Executive Producer
Kiko is a nightmare for all the animals. He bullies them all the time, even the smallest mouse can't escape from him! How could the animals stand out and make him understand that they are just like him, capable of emotions, love, and deserve respect?
Locura dulce, locura dura
Associate Producer
Premio César 2022 al mejor cortometraje de animación. Paseo por la vida diaria de varias instituciones psiquiátricas, que nos permite conocer a personas extraordinarias que nos dejan entrar en su privacidad.
The Kindergarten Show
Executive Producer
A master owl tries to present the kindergarten end of year show. Unfortunately the night does not go as planned, as several unforeseen events happened, one after the other, even before the curtain came up.
Genius Loci
Una noche, Reine, una joven solitaria, percibe en el caos urbano un movimiento vivo y brillante, cálido y protector. Una especie de guía al que la joven decide escuchar y seguir.
A Lynx in the Town
Executive Producer
A curious lynx leaves its forest, attracted by the lights of the nearby town. It has great fun there until it falls asleep in the middle of a parking lot. In the early morning, locals are astonished to find this strange animal covered in snow.
Northern Lights
Colin has lived with his grandfather Karl since his parents died. When Karl goes narwhal hunting, Colin travels as a stowaway in his shelter-sled. He will have to overcome his fears and learn the secrets of the Far North.
Las golondrinas de Kabul
Verano de 1998. Kabul es una ciudad en ruinas ocupada por los Talibanes. Mohsen y Zunaira son dos adolescentes que se han enamorado pese a vivir en un entorno repleto de violencia y miseria. Aunque van sobreviviendo día a día, un acto irresponsable de Mohsen cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
Tío Tomas, la contabilidad de todos los días
A partir de las memorias afectivas y visuales de su infancia, la directora rinde homenaje a su tío Tomás. Es su reconocimiento de que uno no tiene que ser alguien para ser excepcional en la vida.
El Refugio de la ardilla
Delegated Producer
Una anciana que padece el síndrome de Diógenes acumula en su casa cajas de cartón llenas de recuerdos. Su nieta la visita todas las semanas y la abuela inventa, con estos tesoros acumulados, historias maravillosas. Pero mientras la niña va creciendo, el espacio libre en la casa va menguando.
A Tiger With No Stripes
A little tiger decides to take a long journey in search of his stripes.
Los confines del mundo
Indochina, 1945. Mientras los franceses son acosados tanto por el ejército japonés como por los rebeldes vietnamitas, el soldado Robert Tassen, impulsado por el recuerdo de una tragedia de la que es el único superviviente, emprende la búsqueda del misterioso y cruel Võ Bình Yên, uno de los líderes de la insurrección.
Mi abuelo se ha escondido
Delegated Producer
Un abuelo le explica a su nieto que tendrá que cuidar su jardín de flores después de su muerte. Sigue una discusión conmovedora y poética sobre la pérdida de seres queridos y sobre las marcas que dejan atrás.
Mi abuelo se ha escondido
Un abuelo le explica a su nieto que tendrá que cuidar su jardín de flores después de su muerte. Sigue una discusión conmovedora y poética sobre la pérdida de seres queridos y sobre las marcas que dejan atrás.
A Man is Dead
Executive Producer
Brest, 1950. The war ended five years ago and nothing remains of the city. Massive bombings and intense fighting lasting more than a month turned the city, its docks, its arsenal, into ashes. Thousands of workers will build it up again, brick by brick. But with awful work conditions protests quickly arise and a strike begins. Violent confrontations happen during manifestations. Until one man falls. The next day René Vautier lands at Brest clandestinely to make a movie about the movement.
The Cat's Regret
A ten-year-old boy who hates his little brother is punished by his mother and has to spend an afternoon with a scary old man. The boy will learn a lesson about life when he discovers the old man’s terrible secret.
Hombre de bolsillo
Executive Producer
Un pequeño hombre lleva una vida tranquila en una vieja maleta en la acera de una gran ciudad, hasta que un día, se cruza en su camino un anciano ciego.
Bambi, l'histoire d'une vie dans les bois
A young woman embarks on a series of sexual adventures with a series of men and women against the backdrop of expatriate life in Bangkok.
Uncanny Stories
Delegated Producer
“Uncanny Stories” is a horror anthology of short stories from famous writers adapted in animation by directors who are mad about genre films. The works of Laura Kasischke, H.P. Lovecraft and Jean Ray alongside the Brothers Grimm, William Tenn and Edgar Allan Poe all haunt the screen in a world of horror, fear and angst. You’ll encounter a young girl who hates her stepmother so much she wants her dead, two young hikers who cross paths with a strange old woman, an explorer trapped by terrifying forces from a distant past, a man driving down a country lane on a rainy night, an endless nightmare, a lighthouse in a storm. Transgressive and poignant stories that tap into your innermost fears.