Film en cuatro episodios, más un prólogo y un epílogo. El prólogo presenta imágenes alegóricas del México prehispánico. El episodio "Sandunga" recrea los preparativos de una boda indígena en Tehuantepec. "Fiesta" desarrolla el ritual de la fiesta brava, mientras que "Maguey" escenifica la tragedia de un campesino victimado por rebelarse contra su patrón. "Soldadera" muestra el sacrificio de una mujer revolucionaria. El epílogo, también conocido como "Día de muertos", se refiere al sincretismo de las distintas visiones que coexisten en México alrededor del tema de la muerte.
Executive Producer
During his adventure in Mexico, Sergei Eisenstein made footage of a Mexican "Death Day" celebration for inclusion in his "Que Viva Mexico!" film project. When the 200,000-plus feet of film he eventually exposed in Mexico was first attempted to be made into a feature film, "Thunder Over Mexico", the producers excluded the Death Day material for subsequent compilation as an independent short subject. Silent with music track and explanatory English intertitles.
Executive Producer
As was common in Diaz's Mexico, a young hacienda worker finds his betrothed imprisoned and his life threatened by his master for confronting a hacienda guest for raping the girl. This film is the first of several attempts to make a feature-length motion picture out of the 200,000-plus feet of film shot by Sergei Eisenstein, on photographic expedition in Mexico during 1931-32 for Upton Sinclair and a cadre of private American producer-investors. Silent with music and English intertitles.